Thanks for this. People who have never been further east than Kansas City don’t understand this concept.
Thanks for this. People who have never been further east than Kansas City don’t understand this concept.
How is it poor logic? Cars are safer than the other options. In a country where the middle class is barely above the extreme poverty line anything that increases vehicle costs even a little bit puts literally millions more into much more dangerous transportation options. And let's not get started on the traffic…
And you would be wrong. Motorcycle and bicycle death rates in India are far far higher than for autos.
Unfortunately, people who have never seen real poverty aren’t very good at imagining a needs/wants scale so different from their own that safety becomes a luxury. The tragic truth is that for many people around the world, what we would consider basic safety is something they simply cannot afford.
No, seriously. In India it is extremely common to see entire families on motorcycles, 5, 6 or even 7 people on a single motorcycle. No Ringling Bors Circus experience required.
Using your baby as an airbag is generally frowned upon.
I bet they’re all safer than a motorcycle with five people on it, which is realistically what these cars are competing with. Making the cars safer will make them more expensive, which will make more people stick with the motorcycles, which will make them less safe.
Personally, I don’t mind politicians who “evolve” on issues, as long as they acknowledge their previous belief on the matter and are able to explain their reasoning.
Join the US military. You’ll get a good, well paid job, experience worth a life time. Pension if you stay long enough, plus numerous other perks.
1.Comrade, you can’t work anywhere on a travel visa.
Relax, he is just trolling, like you can get a job anywhere on a travel visa.... the reason why poles want to go away with it is because they are the only EU nation thats required to have them (somehow you don't see the Czechs piling up on our airports like the troll predicts). The problem is that we have a lot of…
Ok, fair enough, agree to disagree.
You and I are just gonna have to disagree about the controversy of the Nord Stream. I’m not going to convince you of anything.
Trying to avoid engaging Obamabots and jihadi supporters here as well.
You can apply for a travel visa.
Just look at the Wikipedia article about the Nord Stream, most of the content of the article is under the “controversy” heading.
The US promised visas for their allies and didn’t keep its promise, that’s lame. I’m from Romania, I can’t visit the US ( I have always dreamed to dive on the Pacific Highway) because I’m deemed unworthy ,unless I join some US affiliate church, or I have rich parents.
And what’s wrong with waiving visa travel for Poles? If Greece can have visa free travel then why not the Poles? Lithuanians, Latvians, Hungarians, Portuguese, and Irish. More a few of these countries required a bailout from the EU while Poland didn’t. What do these countries bring to the table that the Poles can’t?…