Joe Propinka

Oh my god fuck off. You are seriously complaining about the article “spoiling” the trailer.

Yeah, but you could call him that to his face and all he’d hear is ‘king’.

What I don’t get is how people don’t recognize that this is a massive wave of right-wing political correctness, with Republicans now competing to see who can be the most offended by something that doesn’t actually affect them one bit.

He single-handedly changed it to mean “lugenpresse”, essentially.

Of the many things Liberals should learn from Trump’s victory, is that the Christian Right should never be given the benefit of the doubt. We must never be shy to call them out for what they truly are: a cult of hypocritical, win-at-any-cost, evil, racist, hateful, patriarcal anti-American fuckheads. We must not cede

Donald Trump being interviewed by Mike Huckabee?

They seem him as an instrument from God sent to destroy the heathen liberals destroying their country.

do Republicans think

Ike and Laura Perlmutter are huge Trump supporters. They donated millions to a Trump-affiliated Super PAC, and Laura was on the inaugural committee. So a comic like this, while repugnant, is not a huge surprise. Maybe we can look forward to (dread) a whole shared universe here.

That would be, like, if Bane announced to Gotham that he had a letter written by THE Jim Gordon saying Harvey Dent was a murderer and not the squeaky-clean white knight everyone thought he was, and even though Bane was clearly a terrorist bent on causing chaos, everyone just threw their hands up and went, “Welp! It

What did you expect him to do?

Both Ivanka and Jared are disgusting creeps on the make, so it really doesn’t surprise me they have a private email server pinging to Moscow, no. Jared owes over a billion dollars on the loans he took out to buy 666 Fifth just before the Crash, because he’s an idiot, and these are desperate hucksters we’re looking

You’re still here? Ain’t you missing a sale on white polo shirts somewhere?

Coincidentally, “Keep streaming me!” is 45*’s safe word.

Yeah, AV Club has really gone downhill.

“Saddest neo-nazi loser” is up against some very stiff competition, too.

“The level of intellect this writer have.”
“The brand of Milo.”
“No matter how you cry about it.”

Who? In other news, behold a kitten sitting on a laptop:

Hi everyone, let me take a moment to explain all the ways Barack Obama is a sellout corporate whore and how if I were President everything would be way better.

Ya know what tactic I’ve found to be effective? Voting for Democrats.