Joe Propinka

I'd give all my tomorrows or one single yesterday

"And also the camera sucked, there was no way to get additional hit points, and everything was boring and repetitive?"

Finally, the AV Club diversifies by going after a different obnoxious, orange monster that brings shame to the United States.

Neoliberalism killed my father?

The hints that he was tied p with Pinochet's regime in Chile, and the fact that he approached the cartel himself with the "make meth" plan all suggest to me that Gus is not exactly overflowing with the milk of human kindness.

And the GOP is ours.

Especially conventionally attractive white people,.

A Doctor Who Porn Parody?

Of course, Jimmy's idea of "doing what it takes" is, literally, selling alcohol and tobacco to underage customers. Which is a) kind of sleazy and b) a very good way to get fined out of existence if you get caught.

Of course, Jimmy's idea of "doing what it takes" is, literally, selling alcohol and tobacco to underage customers. Which is a) kind of sleazy and b) a very good way to get fined out of existence if you get caught.


As others have stated, he;'s acting mostly out of pride and spite, and we're getting more and more evidence int he flashbacks and in some of the little stuff he's done for several seasons that this has always been a big part of him.

Except that Jimmy did it in the shittiest way possible, and mostly to save his own skin.

Exactly: they're both trying to show each other up because they each see the other as the bad guy.

It's the remaining loan amount that was stated last season.

Right, but hat was mostly about him being too damned dishonest to quit and accept the conditions on what was, by definition, a *bonus*.

Not that Chuck is necessarily right, but let's say Jimmy stole $5 from the till every day for ten years. That'd add up to over $18k. If he steals less often or steals less money, sure, that could add up to $14k in the "a little bit here and there" way Chuck describes.

It's one of two things, possibly.

Even when Jimmy had his elder law practice humming along, he was doing stuff like sneaking onto school grounds and Air Force bases under false pretenses to get his commercials done.