Joe Propinka

Punning is Automatic for the People who do it best.

So…you stayed right here?

Sweet zombie Jesus!

Tickets are available for sale at the First Church of Simon Magus, over on 53rd.

There's a whole huge explanation in Season 1 about why the show's Hell's Kitchen is different than the real-world, gentrified Clinton.

I don't think Matt was accepting the Punisher's methods so much as he was accepting the whole "every person is a world" idea and trying to get as many people out alive as he could.

Sorry. I was confused because the comic was poop.

"In my Batman movie, Batman's epic romance with Catwoman collapses thanks to the seductive wiles of a new foe, Lady Au Pair."

Let's hope it's not like Smith's Batman comics. Widening Gyre was puerile at best; it has Batman explaining in flashback that he crapped his pants during an iconic scene in Year One.

But this is, seriously, why we have the Cobra boxer "Big Boa," who was created to battle Rocky and wants everyone to know his codename is *definitely* not his way of compensating for something.

If DC is going for a shared universe, I'd expect a strong degree of visual consistency there as well.

As a comment I saw on another site pointed out, it's also kind of Tony realizing that he screwed up without supervision and then deciding this means everyone else must need it too.

Tony and Bruce tried to complete their inchoate AI program by using what they thought was code from Loki's sceptre gem, aka the Mind Stone.

I didn't realize what I was doing at the time I posted, either; this wasn't the place for it, in any case.

On reflection, you are 100% right about my having a kind of half-formed prior opinion and looking for somewhere to put it.

No, not at all. A lot of Clowes's stuff is great, and most superhero books are puerile dreck. But it's worth understanding the context in which it's marketed and consumed and the way alternative comics evolved from being an alternative to established genres and into a genre of its own. In many ways, it's the triumph

You did miss part of the interview, above the part you quote:

He's not wrong, though; alternative comics have become to the comics industry what "literary" fiction is to the book industry. Both frequently follow a sort of formula, one that reflects a consensus drawn from mid-to-late 20th century "Great American Novels."

It's confusing. He claimed he had "lost his body" as a punishment back int he 1987 cartoon, and one episode had Krang clones that grew into dinosaur-like bodies, but other episodes showed that all of Krang's generals were brain-things like him.

I hear that Owlman V Ultraman is much better; the Superwoman, Barracuda, Johnny Quick, and Grid cameos fit organically into the plot, and Alexander Luthor is played with charm and dignity by, oh, let's say Antimatter Clancy Brown.