Joe Propinka

But does he have dumps like a truck, truck, truck?

"He was the Captain and I was —"
"Yes, and not make eye contact!"

Which the rest of the movie promptly ignores thanks to a magic knee brace that apparently works even when he's in a prison thousands of miles away from it.

Nah. This is the Eisenberg version.

Except right now, he is (no joke) the head of a multinational superscience company chasing a supervillain cult around the world.

Yeah, that scene where Superman breaks Luthor's neck and becomes fugitive, then fakes his death so he can lead an underground army of vigilantes was especially on the nose.

Funnily enough, I've been reading through the post-Crisis Superman books recently from the start. While Byrne definitely wants to elimiinte all of the Weisinger wackiness, his Superman is surprisingly omnicompetent, and his reduced power level mostly means that he doesn't immediately win fights, he just wins them over

capital vs. labor is just astronauts vs cavemen for grownups.

In context, it's a speech by a villain who is justifying his attempted murder of an ex because *she* wanted a normal person's life. It's the very definition of a biased, self-serving interpretation.

Nah — read Lois's dialogue after the report er leaves: "You really LOVE it, don't you? Just going to WORK every day, taking out the GARBAGE, changing Johnathan's DIAPERS…all this NORMAL stuff."

"Not especially racist" is the standard to which all films should aspire.

Firebird and Ice? Two Guys, a Girl, and a Shared Universe?

The Head was mindblowing in that something that poorly drawn could air anywhere.

Awwww…no Christine Taylor?

Ahnuld wasn't really a star in Austria, though.

I'll always remember this as the day the AV Club got together to try and keep Kevin James's career moving forward.

There should definitely be a series on all the Flops in the World.

Isn't Johnny Hallyday essentially "the French Cliff Richard?"

I'll always remember his star turn in a little movie called The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension.

It's Gotham; it deserves it.