So….True Detective season 1, then?
So….True Detective season 1, then?
Given that the point of the film is to a) have Batman and Superman fight; and b) introduce a slew of characters to set up DC shared universe I wouldn't expect the film to deliver thematically.
It sounds from the description like he's gonna be a composite - renegade member of the League of Assassins like Doctor Darrk, master of HIVE (who they've been hinting at for like two seasons now) like Dahrk.
And before that , it was: "peace out, x-men, I got an academy award and I'm gonna star in my own superhero franchise!"
Fun fact: the word "assassin" comes from "Hashashin," because they were a sect of assassins who smoke up all the time before going out to kill people for money.
It's like a lava lamp.
Don't let the bastards grinder you down.
And before the Savile stuff broke the go-to for paedo jokes was Gary Glitter.
No, no, his other twin brother…Jack Batlin.
Achievement Unlocked: Ten Yawns!
Coming soon: minidiscs of all your Crackle favorites!
Why would God need a spaceship?
Or David Cameron's love of….well, pretty much every British indie rock band of the 1980s.
The Chitauri invasion was an inside job! Why is Wilson Fisk being punished for being a successful job creator? Thor is a socialist because he wears red and carries a hammer and "Sif" sounds kind of like "Sickle!"
They promised not to bring Julie Taymor along this time?
The Insolvent Hulk
"I am NOT the new Pierce!"
The Invisibles? That really trippy adaptation of The Matrix? *runs off giggling*
Who knew Norman Osborn worked at Nintendo?
Purplesaurus Rex?