
I don't care what this cat says — I'm getting that dog back.

Yeah, but Tormund is a fan favorite. So he'll be killed next season like Bronn.

First, I agree with you on the hammer. Second, a bunch of people are going to die this week and it can't be Snow, Tormund, or the Hound since they all got more stuff to do in the story. What does Gendry have to do?

I agree. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Gendry's dead. His claim to the throne just complicates shit. He's gone.

I thought that would be too, but I was hoping for some kind of visual clue if that was the case.

Sure, but this having them walk around it would just be poor dramatic storytelling. I can see a small cadre doing that, as a distraction. But the Night King is coming through the wall.

The White Walkers just walking around the wall would be the least dramatic way of handling their invasion.

I heard that restaurant gave GRRM the menu and he said, "Okay."

Yeah, it's pretty shitty.

I LOVE that! Let's RUN with it!

I love them but it took a while for that one to grab me. I think it'll work better live.

That's the comment I both needed and deserved.

You're just mad cause CIT Wendy gave you a wet dream.

Lee Ving is completely despicable.

Finally! It's been almost 25 years since he got kicked out of the Real World house!

I think it will. I sort of think this whole show will be about Saul's redemption.

NOTHING is like the Hooters!

We've had decades of political violence against the left being normalized. Suck it up, buttercup.

Totally. I remember when season 5B came out. After Ozymandias premiered, I longed for the jolly old days of BB, when Walt and his merry band of jokers just murdered a child and melted the body with acid.