
I liked American Dream better. Still sort of digesting them both.

When I'm President, I'm going to issue an order saying that Wayne Knight has to get killed by a dinosaur in every movie he appears in.

This looks cool but I ain't playin' with Windows.

Ugh. Follow their example and don't bother.

Yeah, but ultimately I think it'll be about Saul's redemption.

Angel season 5 is excellent.

And D.C. Cab.

Andrew was a great character and his cameos in Angel's fifth season elevated an already excellent season of television.

Somewhere Dougray Scott weeps onto his Johnny Cakes.

I did that once, in AZ. We did Black Sabbath as The Iron Men.

Botch is still better.


This is all I want to know.

Binging it is good, but you didn't get to experience the time in between cliff hangers. The discussions and arguments and speculation that occurred during that time was part of the fun.

Check out The Filth and the Fury. Viscious ruined that band.

Yeah, because what you want in a political appointee is lots of excitement.

You joke, but I'd watch the hell out of a literal Liefield adaptation. It'd become a modern camp classic.

They have this weird cheese sauce they put on hot dogs. That replaced the whale in my nightmares.

You know, it's almost worth it.

I was thinking more along the lines of Sutters SoA finale. Which is probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen.