Joe Paulson

I'm not sure what would happen. Would the sole Democrat in let's say a very conservative delegation vote party or popular vote? Anyway, and this works down the line, "rule of funny" kicks in along with (with the possible exception of Tom James) "they are all idiots."

My first thought there was "The Americans"

Selina asking the couple how they want to play it was almost considerate.

20th Amendment notes:

it's one subplot … the "tail end of the episode" involved that, POTUS finding out called her c*** and Mike finding out Tom James had a meeting. The next episode's title suggest Congress will be a major focus. So, don't really think much "leaning on" as such is required.

The lesbian story line was just one thing … don't think they "leaned on" it much.

worked for Jesus H. Christ

those with kids might also recognize her from "I Didn't Do It," a Disney show

it's a matter of taste — lots of people are laughing as various comments show

There is … not that this is atypical for many relationships … incestuous feel about Catherine's choice. Meanwhile, there is actually a book store named that. It is not just some Seinfeld reference. But, like the stapler joke, who knows if that was part of the joke — the show is that multidimensional.

That's an idea. The point holds — season and episode previews made that joke old. I can only come in when the movie starts too but sometimes previews make a certain joke played there too after seeing it repeatedly before the movie comes out.

Amy's coke bottle comment … (reminder) freeze eggs

good line but previews made it old news at this point

Catherine coming out — well you know — is about as a surprise as Kent losing it in front of the President. And, yea, Bill was just arrested a few weeks at best ago. He is out on "appeal" now? Heck, if anything, he should have been able to make bail somehow & would have been able to be out and about for that reason.

He has a certain amount of skill to survive and seems to do his job good enough to coast along — Selina's is a clusterf and he must be doing something right to have the press not murder her. Plus, Selina needs losers and hanger-ons to survive and she seems to appreciate the ones she at least knows. Some newbie could

heck it's like the tie breaker in the Philly delegation in 1776

he's covering his bases no matter who wins — Dan's old lobbying firm is supporting Selina's opponent

Who else “D’aww”-ed when Jonah called Richard his friend?

The Kent moments, including the higher power and cat comments (in perfect Kent tone), were great too. It is particularly amusing to remember the actor played Mr. Brady in the Brady Bunch movies … one of which he became President with his wife as First Lady!

favorite episode of the season … Sue: "made sure he has no place to sit" … show has so many of those lines. Amy's throwaway crude Eleanor Roosevelt comments were great too.