joe name

He get's way more screen time then them now too. Were Tara Eugene and Glenn even in this episode? I know Maggie was but did sh even have any lines?

If they would have tweaked a couple things, I honestly think this could have worked as a fairly strong series finale.

Is it just me, or is Aaron already one of the shows best characters after only 3 episodes. It's not like that's a hard task to pull off, given the level of development for a lot of this shows characters, but it's nice they're finally introducing a character they don't quit trying to develop after three episodes.

I really hate it. It's certainly a necessary part for Willows character, but it was just so poorly done. It was so heavy handed, and it took itself so seriously. I still love season 6, even with it. I really don't get why people say its bad. Sure the middle of the season has some clunkers, but is it really because its

Season 6 is pretty amazing. Well outside of Magic is drugs.

They just needed to get the dragons working, they were supposed to be funnier characters than the shows had.

Honestly, outside of the episode where clay dies, I think season 6 is worse than this season.

True. The writing on this show really hasn't been great since halfway through season 2. It at least entertains me in a simple 24 like way.

Woah a C?
A- for me. This was easily the best episode of the season.

1. Farewell Daddy Blues
2. Two Imposters
3. Margate Sands
4. Sunday Best
5. To The Lost
6. Eldorado
7. Devil You Know
8. Gimcrack and Bankum
9. Under Gods Power She Flourishes
10. Friendless Child

I know i kow, it was a joke. Sutter just pussed out. Clearly he just wanted to keep Ron Perlman around, as he did NOTHING in seasons 5 and 6, and ultimately they just used his death for shock value.

Yeah, but at least from what shes done this season, he's tried ot make her badass and sympathetic. Knowing Sutter, last week when she threatened the mom in the parking lot, he was thinking "hehe everyone's going to think shes so badass and awesome. Her threat was vulgar, thats so cool"

The Kurt Sutter way is the whatever's the most shocking. Remember, according to Kurt Sutter, the best thing is the thing that's the most shocking. That's why Clay didn't die at the end of season 4. It was more shocking because everyone expected him to die.

I find it utterly infuriating that this whole season, and the whole climax of the show is set in motion because of a misunderstanding. Did Kurt Sutter learn nothing from the climax of The Shield, something he is clearly ripping of?
And why exactly are we supposed to be rooting for Jax? Because he's the protagonist?

Honestly, i was thinking the same thing. I dont like any of the characters.
I guess this is Kurt Sutters Shakespearean tragedy. Jax's fatal flaw is bringing his downfall, and that he's just a straight up unsympathetic piece of human shit. I imagine it will pay of in the end, but i still hate him for the time being.

Ohh but he has no problem using the entire rest of the case. Even Walton Goggins using a copy of his alias from The Shield. Although he's a tranny so yeah no one would go "ohh its Shane"

That was actually a pretty good set-up. Maybe this season wont be awful. being said, no part of me is rooting for Jax. Why should i root for Jax over Lin, when we know what Jax is doing is wrong?

I still want a Chiklis cameo.

Is anyone else noticing the huge similarities between this and the endgame to The Shield? As in similarities i mean that Sutter is blatantly ripping of his former, and much better, show.
