joe name

Yes!!! I thought this same exact thing.

Have they gotten Liza Weil back? That is literally the one thing I care about.
Team Paris!

I really like it too. It's got it's problems, but for the most part it's hugely entertaining.
And no, you're not alone, Abigail Breslin is bafflingly bad.

So, does this show transcend into the coveted so bad it's good territory in its original run?

It completely agree. I would totally watch 3 more seasons, and I do want to see how Fuller would do Clarice and SotL, but it just feels unnecessary now. And with season 4 being Hannibal on the run again, and then 5 being another Hannibal behind bars helping catch a killer, and 6 him being on the run again it would

Breaking Bad's series finale is far from the greatest. It's fantastic yes, but it's not top tier. So Hannibal is better, but I feel I may prefer Breaking Bad. I need to re-watch Hannibal in its entirety first.
As for best series finales: The Shield, Six Feet Under, Angel, Justified, Parks and Rec, AtLA, and probably

When are we getting the Chilton spin off "The Invincible Man!" You thought you could destroy him, but you've only made him, more smarmy!

So now that this masterpiece is over, what's everyone's favorite episodes, seasons, quotes, scenes, shot, Hannibal suit, meal, or anything else you could think of?

Season 3 was my favorite too. It's not actually as uncommon of an opinion as I thought it was. A large portion of the Reddit community also prefers this season to the other two.

Fuller's going to give us an extremely detailed outline of 4-6 even if the show get's picked up. He's the anti-Matthew Weiner.

You know, despite the fact the seasons 6 and 7 are just Sutter's ego trip, a truly awful, boring, horrible, ego trip, I didn't think the finale was that bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it. It was stupid as hell, but the final scene kinda worked for me. The hilariously awful symbolism and all.

The Shield. I've never been able to decide which one I like more, and They're my two favorite episodes of anything ever. That and then the Angel series finale. While it's probably not objectively quite as good as the other two, it's the single most perfect ending to anything ever.

Arrow received the elusive A/F this year.

I did too. The fact that he was killed by the Mexicans was exceedingly stupid, but it was just a beautifully shot and beautiful looking scene. And despite Vaughn being iffy throughout the season, I thought he was pretty great during it also.

Parks and Rec created one of the best sitcom finales of all time, only to get renewed and once again create one of the best sitcom finales of all time.

I totally agree. Community is like my 2nd Favorite show ever, and I've watched more TV than a person should, but I'm totally fine this. The Finale was perfect, and I don't want it to go The Office route.

Oh shit. I'm sorry man. I'll fix this.

Hold on, what?

Rich Sommer

The Walking Dead hasn't told any good stories since the first season.