joe name

And ever changing hotel rooms, but that all have magic fingers.

She got hotter as the show went on.

Buffy is the only show i haven't been able to pick a favorite episode from. So its basically a five way tie between:
Passion, Becoming, The Body, The Gift, and Once More, With Feeling.

The fist season of Buffy…. is pretty bad. And Buffy is one of my all time favorite shows. Watch until the end of two, the first half is pretty inconsistent, but the ending is pretty damn good. If you can honestly say that you didnt like the last 9 episodes of two, then yeah quit the show.

Okay, thanks.


I honestly believe that's where some of the hate towards the ending of Lost comes from. I marathoned the show in about 2 months a year or two ago, and i thought the ending was great. It didnt answer every question, but it was a nice farewell to the characters. But back with the theorizing, i think a lot of people hate

I don't know why, but for the life of me, i just couldn't get into this show. I watched the first 3 seasons, and then part 4 through the fourth before i quit. Im not saying its bad, its not, i understand why this show is held in such i high regards, and i even thought it was funny, but i just could not get into it.

Iron Man: (A)
The Incredible Hulk: (B+, i like this more than most people)
Iron Man 2: (B-)
Thor: (C+)
Captain America: (B)
The Avengers: (A)
Iron Man 3: (B)
Thor: The Dark World: (B-)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: (A)
Guardians of the Galaxy: (A, my personal favorite Marvel movie)

So is it actually worth it to watch seasons 1 and 2, or should i just skip right to season 3?

Yeah, so far it has the best mytharc episodes (Paper clip, Nisei, 731) and the best stnadlones (Clyde Bruckman's Final Response, Pusher, And Jose Chung's From Outer Space)

If you have Netflix, go on google chrome and download hola unblocker, change the country to Canada and Voila! Every season of the show streamed for free.

Even knowing about that scene in the finale didnt do it justice. That is just one of the most brutal and just horrible things ive seen in a show.
The last 5/6 episodes of season 7 are insane. My god i had no idea what was coming and it was ridiculous.

Ohh, well that's really disappointing.

Ahh. I personally loved the finale. Yeah it wasn't exactly mind-blowingly unpredictable, but it was satisfying. Which is more that can be said about the other finale that aired a week later, (or was it earlier?) Fucking Dexter.

The finale isn't even worth it?

I got the end of Season 5 ruined for me. That sucked.

two of your least favorite? The only episode i found somewhat lacking in season in 5B was Rabid Dog. Even then its still a good episode.

Ahhh. So im only on season 4 of The X-files, but does it fall apart and get as bad as ive heard? Is season 9 really that bad?

Season 3 is my favorite, (it was really consistent, and The Mayor and Faith will always be my favorite villains. Even over Angelus
) but id think id say season 5 is the best. Season 5 is the only season where they didn't totally fail with the plot, (season 7) and where the plot was more complex then "ohh they're evil