joe name

So far season 3 is my favorite of The X-Files. But im only on season 4. When you say Angel season 5 is behind everything, do you mean that its bad, or it just missed your list? Because id argue that Angel season 5 is the best season from both shows. That or Buffy Season 3.

This list change all the time but

I found season 5 to be better than 7.

So from what ive heard this show is bad. Well any fans that are here, take solace knowing its nothing compared to the atrocity that is Dexter's final season.

Well that's what characters are for right? A means of providing a shock value right? Not for telling a story, but for having sock value.

No he gave it a B-, it also had to do with that he doesnt like prequels.

Showtime ending a show after 5 seasons, HA. Expect it to run for a good 8 more seasons, then they they will announce when the final season will be.

Well i hope Masters of Sex can maintain this level of quality for 11 more seasons.

That just made me laugh so hard. Thank you.


Whats wrong with the Lost finale?

May i ask what shows you like?

I did too. Im pretty sure im in the minority on this opinion though. I loved the first half, and the finale was pretty good, but i just didnt like it. And killing Nazir was a huge mistake. He was the perfect villain for this show.

I honestly liked this season more then 2. Im pretty sure im on the minority but heres what i think
Season 1 A
Season 2 C+
………….. (Season 2 pre Q&A A-)
………… (Season 2 post Q&A C-)
Season 3 B, maybe B+

I liked Season 1-5 and 7 of Dexter 6 was bad, and 8 was just an abomination that makes me regret every watching the show. But personally i liked this season of homeland more then 2. post Q&A season 2 was awful. This season never reached the heights of season (these last 3 episodes were close though) but it never

I agree exactly with everything in this comment.. Season 2 post Q&A was a disaster. But actually id give this season a B not a B-. so i guess i lied when i said i agree with everything.

I liked this season also. It was nothing compared to 1. But it was far better then 2.

Episode Grade A.
Season Grade B+

I noticed that. Why did they use that?

Solid A. Easily one of my favorite episodes of the show behind Marine One Q&A and the Weekend.