You’re right: She DIDN’T belong with those people: May has resigned...Macron’s popularity is in the toilet...Trudeau will be returning to his “substitute drama teacher” by the end of 2019.
You’re right: She DIDN’T belong with those people: May has resigned...Macron’s popularity is in the toilet...Trudeau will be returning to his “substitute drama teacher” by the end of 2019.
Wow. That’s some EDGY journalism, right there: Twitter responses from AOC (bartender-turned-Congresswoman) and Alyssa Milano (TV child-actress-turned-perpetual annoyance). Couldn’t you find any LESS important folks?
I was just going to post that. Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain is the BEST tutorial on learning how to draw. I had my bro-in-law do the exercise on drawing a geisha upside-down, and it was nearly perfect. We had it framed for him!
Detroit is STILL the only city to win three major championships (“four” if you count Joe Louis’ heavyweight title) in one year. #SuckItBoston
So glad that the put-away was due to Marchand heading off on the most ill-advised change ever in the history of hockey. #RatKarma
The last time a goose got tagged that bad, Kirk Gibson was at the plate.
“TL;DR” But, you’re okay with people reading YOUR manifesto?
Monique: As a white man...and, at the risk of sounding “racist”...I’ve experienced more than my share of blacks acting out (“racist” term?) on me...including threats, spitting on me, and other forms of aggression. My wife has been accosted numerous times by blacks who’ve said the most sickening sexual things to her.…
Someone ought to hit Milbury with a shoe.
How do I give this 100 stars?
EVERY economic study disproves the notion that new stadiums benefit anyone OTHER than their owners. The Ilitch family isn’t worth over $4 billion because they make good pizzas; they are opportunists of the highest order. I’m a Wings fan...but this new stadium deal is wrong on every level. One need only understand the…
I have absolutely no respect for this guy or his views. But, if the antifa continue this violence, there’s going to be a lot of liberal blood on the street. Don’t go there.
Absolutely not. Do your research.
Except that it’s been proven (many times) that new stadiums benefit the teams’ owners, only. Not the city or its residents...and certainly not small businesses. Plus, as with the new Little Caesar’s Arena (dumbest fucking name), it’s not *new* to the’s moving from JLA on the waterfront.
It’s always the skanky bitches who want control over their bodies. Note: We’re not interested. Trust me.
Typical pussy liberal attack. (Then runs off.) Next, I get to hear all you jerkoffs bitching about the arrests of 230 destructive snowflakes - and how their First Amendment rights were violated. Fuck. You. All.
If that dog was REALLY trained, he would’ve waved both players out of the circle.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
Brilliant. Shooter was Lee Harvey Asswold.
Not. Even. Close.