
*sigh* What people don't seem to understand is that most Americans don't want to become the American equivalent of a Foxconn assembly-line worker. While many Americans aren't qualified to do much more than that, many Americans have the ego of upper management which causes them to think A) that such jobs are beneath

This reminds me of "You only live twice". Of course, with the kind of money behind this project, a hollowed out volcano launch facility is well within the realm of possibility...and sharks...with frickin' laser beams on top of their heads.

Hmm...but what if you introduce conductors to draw a higher concentration? Take a plasma globe for example. Lots of little tendrils of plasma. But you put your finger on it and most of the energy follows the conductor.

Apparently, Coconino National Forest in Arizona where the south rim is located is shutting down something like 80% of the backcountry roads as of May 1. That's something like 4000 square miles that will no longer be accessible. To what purpose? I'm usually skeptical of conspiracy theories but this thing called

Disappointed due to the lack of a continuous autofocus for video. If you've every tried to pull focus on a live stage show while the lights are coming up, it's not pretty.

This is nothing. Back in college, I convinced my dorm neighbor to try lighting his farts.

Progress for the sake of progress isn't always a good thing. Back in the 70s, Mt. Rushmore was in BFE with little in the way of infrastructure. Now there's a behemoth visitor center. An amazing place like Jackson Hole has a Ripley's Believe it or else, sushi restaurants (in the heart of cattle country), and an

Yeah, so, unless it's on your person, why the hell would you care? And if it is on your person and it gets dinged with a .50 round, you'd either be dead from the ricochet or really sore.

Seems to be a recurring theme for technology. iPhone was meh, 3G was good. 4 sucked. 4S good. iPad meh. iPad 2 good. iPad 3 has heat problems. 5Dmk1 meh. 5DmkII great. 5DmkIII disappointing.

It's how I roll, playa.

There's an old saying: Never bring a knife to a gun fight. IMHO, these asshats don't have the technical or industrial ability to be a real threat. IMHO, they know that if they really tried to nuke someone, they'd be toast. IMHO, this is all a combination of busy work and propaganda.

There will be a great disturbance in The if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Faster? But but but...that would mean I would have to run Lion on it. :-(

Aww, man. Now I want to go order something from Wicked Lasers again. Stop me.

Yeah, so, why does the shuttle in the first piece A) have its landing gear extended and B) only its rear gear?

Of course, many of these same predictors were claiming in the 70s that we were heading for another ice age.

Watch JJ Abrams TED talk about the Mystery Box. Some things should be forever left to theory, conjecture, speculation, etc. No, George, we don't want to know about f*cking meticlurians. Thanks for ruining the whole mystery of The Force. Dumbass.

I'll never understand some humans' relentless desire to thwart natural selection.

"There are 111,700 total hairs on Merida's head"...because everyone knows 111,701 would be gauche.

NPR in the 70s and 80s was actually informative and unbiased. Of course, that's when they still played only classical music so you might say there's a correlation between the advent of world music, jazz, and other alternative content and the current style of NPR reporting.