Dude, ewww.
Dude, ewww.
You NEVER EVER clean a rifle towards the breach end if you can remove the bolt. If you can't, use a bore snake and always towards the muzzle. You never brush out a dry barrel either. Run a couple of wet patches through and then the brush followed by a few more wet patches and finally a dry patch.
Looks like a character from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
Now all we have to do is figure out how to re-liquefy the core and spin it so Mars gets back it's magnetic field.
But but but...no amount of imagining what a beautiful woman might look like based on cold text can replace that which is Summer Glau.
By the same token, gay people should be extinct.
And the irony here is that despite the fact that 50% of the fruits, nuts, and veggies are grown in central California, a bait fish is more important.
The F2000 looks cool but the fore grip is huge and hence not comfortable. The P90 is interesting due to the caliber being specifically designed to penetrate body armor. Now, me, if I won the lottery and could therefore afford to feed it, I'd go for a Dillon Aero.
Turn your head and cough. Moooooooon riveeeeeerrr.....phew! Using the whole hand, doc?
It's the glow rod from Demolition Man.
Two words: Steyr Aug. The original, mind you, not the later one without the integral scope.
Blech...Microsquish needs to fire it's design team. The thing looks like something Fisher-Price would make for a Dr. Seuss movie tie-in.
*sigh* Why are sci-fi film effects never this cool?
Hardly. Kids would go nuts for this stuff. Parents might also enjoy the fact that they would be able to tell that their kids were eating on the living room furniture instead of the kitchen as they were told to.
Well, Tiger Woods might need a new career.
I keep saying that the Dyson Sphere from ST:TNG should be the basis for a new Star Trek series. The possibilities would be endless. And you could build in a series ending by using the TNG episode plot line of the star becoming unstable in, say, 5 years.
I never understood why people think B.O. is a great orator. IMHO, sadly, being well-spoken is a thing of the past as are manners and writing well.
There was an interesting article in Wired about the whole DIY biological hacker community. The woman being interviewed was trying to make glow-in-the-dark yogurt. Personally I think that's cool but think of the marketing potential that has.
I've heard that automotive designers take their cues from color trends in the women's underwear world. All those metallic colors for cars followed the shiny metallic colored panties. And people say sex in marketing is overrated.
That makes me wonder why ship/boat designers haven't picked up on the fish-scale swimsuit concept that Olympic swimmers are all into now.