
And yet we have unelected government officials telling kids that their homemade lunch isn't healthy but crap like this is.'s a Java vulnerability....which Apple didn't create...just sayin'.

Looks like Scott has embraced the RED camera.

I'd really like a set of treads for my ATV but they're like $4000+

Couple problems with this. You have to keep refilling the thing with helium because it leaches through the bag material. So you'd either have to bring it down to fill it or run a gas line alongside the power lines. Even then, there's a shortage of helium on the horizon. Some sources project a severe shortage in 30

Well, strange things ARE afoot at the Circle K.

This raises some interesting questions e.g. can you generate dark energy? Does it exist everywhere and if so, can you detect it here on Earth?

What would it take to make a film that actually looked like the concept art? I would pay to see that.

Australia is the key.

Yeah...this is a coincidence since Fort Huachuca is where Lockheed Martin tests radar-equipped aerostats.

Or perhaps these people had depression before they ate junk food.

But the point is that everyone's metabolic rate is different. From a purely engineering standpoint, eating less and exercising more isn't the correct solution. You're just constantly having to fix the problem. Reprogramming the metabolic rate is the correct solution. And from a conspiratorial point of view, the

Well, if you think about it, in the context of James Bond, you might not want to be that plastered when dealing with bad guys.

That's only step 1. Step 2 is getting rid of the treaty forbidding the use of nuclear weapons in space.

Why is it that so many people assume that overweight people all eat like pigs and are glued to their couch all day?

Blech. Another pretty boy savior of the world. *barf* REAL men aren't pretty.

Precisely. The funding of social programs hasn't kept pace with the increase in longevity due to medical breakthroughs. On the other hand, perhaps we'll see a corresponding uptick in the death rate due to heart disease.

IMHO, the legal system is preventing Darwin from thinning the herd. I say, wanna do something dangerous? Have at it.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Myrtle Beach always was a head-scratcher (unless it's changed recently). From the Kroger's checkout girl saying "Oh, y'all can't buy wine on Sunday" to the restaurant bars being required to use these enormous racks of airline-size bottles for mixed drinks. That must give recycling nazis the shivers.