
I remember seeing part of a pilot for a Remo Williams TV show. That would have been way cool had they stuck to the film's actors.

Okay, seriously? What idiot walks up to an Apple store thinking it's an open-air market? *DERP*

Maybe it's the T'ein Kou.

Yeah, so? This is called DCC in the model train world and it's been around for more than 15 years. I'm surprised it's taken this long. Now, when I was a kid I had a "Total Control Racing" from Ideal. That was a cool system. []

Buuuuuuttt....what if you've already lost some of it? Does it grow back? Or are the hair cells gone forever?

There's a waterpark on I-15 between Barstow and Vegas that I've always wondered about.

Battery technology is grossly inefficient and hasn't kept pace with the rest of technology. Science fiction often predicts or inspires actual technology. Star Trek communicators became cellphones, fro example. You can design a lot of cool stuff but you can't power it effectively. Electric cars are the current

Hey, ya mess with the bull, ya get the horns. KnowwhatImsayin'?

Okay, here's a challenge based on the controversy surrounding the bird-man video. This elephant needs a skim board. Intermix CGI elephant on a skim board with this footage.

Every vegetarian and vegan I've ever met has been an insufferable, holier-than-thou weenie. This might help calm things down. In a similar vein, my solution to the problems in the Middle East is bacon. IMHO, if they'd get over themselves and eat some every week, they'd be much happier.

Cool. Now channel all that money wasted on Solyndra and other slush-fund boondoggles into this.

Lack of awareness, yes but it's also about how people "carry" themselves. It's a bit nebulous like why one man can find a woman wicked hot but another man thinks "meh".

Agreed. There are people who wish to rewrite Mark Twain to remove the N-word. *facepalm* Just because certain words or language isn't appropriate today doesn't give anyone the right to engage in revisionism.

And one reason why I'm not buying a new Macbook Pro even though I'd really like a Thunderbolt drive. You can't downgrade because the firmware won't let you. Boooooooo.

*Insert a Powers-Of-Ten Scream*

Robert Heinlein said "An armed society is a polite society." The conclusions of the study are a good thing even if the study itself turns out to be biased and/or bogus.

That's pretty nice. Seen them in Costco. They also have a propane powered coffee percolator.

Welllllllll, a few conspiracy theories spring to mind assuming that the premise is bogus. 1) The conclusion was fabricated by the health & fitness industry to get women to join expensive gyms which they will visit only a few times. 2) It was fabricated by feminists as further evidence that they don't need men. 3) It

IMHO, the definition of "hit" is debatable. If hit means "made obscene amounts of money in its opening week" then yes but only because parents are DESPERATE to entertain their ADHD kids for two hours. On the other hand, if "hit" means "will become a classic" then let's have this discussion in 2-5 years and see if

One could interpret the words "hack human bodies" another way i.e. take an axe to the radical environmentalists because they're the only ones who think there's a big enough problem that it has to be solved NOW. It's sort of a Shakespearean approach to solving the problem to wit: "First, kill all the lawyers" from