
Behold, the photo ID of the future. The thing would hold a piece of video such as an orbit of your head or a signature move which you will be required to demonstrate before boarding an aircraft or voting.

I prefer the term "artificial person" myself.

Isn't Dysphoria what happens after you have sex?'re no longer having sex...and you'd much rather still be having sex.

Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Animal Farm, Shakespeare, Dickens, Hemingway. Benefits of a private school education. Although after reading "Pamela", I felt a little violated. Nobody needs to be bored that much. And I actually had the head of the English department tell me that he hated science fiction.

But you'll also find phrases like "To be or not to be, that is the gazorninplat."

Soooo...what would happen if you hooked up a paintball nitrogen tank or compressed air tank?

So, if it cuts a cross-country trip time in half, you could think of it as doubling the bandwidth of air travel. Twice as many flights, twice as many people. Beyond that, if time is money in terms of corporate travel, what is two hours of an executive's time worth?

This doesn't surprise me a bit. "The facts are irrelevant. Run the story because the goal is what's important." Another example was an NPR reporter in Flagstaff spouting off about how horrible it would be to clear dead and dying trees in the forest because the birds wouldn't be able to eat the bark beetles. Fact is

300 to 700 mA doesn't sound like low power if you want to run it on batteries.

I knew a kid in high-school whose mother was a "modern artist" and used a lot of mercury in her art pieces. They were both a little nuts.

Not yet, but there is a theory going around that due to the fact that plain memory foam retains a lot of body heat, people are getting more frequent ear infections.

The story photo says it all. *DERP!!!*

The analogy works if we're comparing types of solutions. Would you either A) spend 3.5 hours every week for the rest of your life exercising or B) reprogram your metabolic rate to a higher level?

F*ck American Idol and all the copycats. THIS kid should get a scholarship to an engineering college.

Coke has been around for ~60 years in cans and bottles longer than that. People weren't getting fat back then. IMHO, this is a classic (coke) case of correlation not being causation. It's like trying to blame autism on vaccination.

But the question is: Are they going to stream ALL the events or just cherry pick them? Are they going to stream all the shooting events or apply their anti-gun filter? do we know that the Earth's crust in that area isn't dropping? Why should we assume that the radius of the Earth at any point is constant?

There are a lot of bullsh*t factors that come into play. Politics is a big one. Herd mentality and group-think is another e.g. "Oh, this spec ops unit or major metro police dept. uses this piece of equipment? It must be good."

No, what I'm saying is that there are vast numbers of people out there who are capable of eating more and don't waste hours in a gym and yet they are at a "normal" weight. Look at it another way: let's say you have a lawn which you have to mow twice a week in order to keep it looking nice. It costs a lot of money in

Clearly, you're missing the whole concept of 'incentive'.