
What a crock. It boils down to what American society holds in high regard. Currently, that's athletes, actors, singers, models and most recently, people who were nobodies and who would still be nobodies if they didn't have a reality TV show. Passion for science and geekdom is generally regarded with disdain and

FINALLY, someone gets it correct. I'm so sick of people who have never had to diet or exercise while still remaining svelt getting all preachy to people who have tried every method known to man to lose weight and keep it off forever without becoming a gastronomic monk.

But but doesn't have tweezers or a doesn't have tweezers.

There is at least one side effect to replacing heat-generating lighting. LED traffic lights in wintery climates can't melt the snow like incandescents can. On the other hand, if you're dumb enough to be driving around when it's snowing that hard, there's a good chance you don't care about traffic lights or you're so

Well, if you had a problem with sh*t sticking to your fur, you might consider it too. Which reminds me, what's up with European hotels and the lack of washcloths?

But but but but...Al Gore invented e-mail. Everybody knows that.

I personally think the AR style weapon is goofy and has become more unwieldy in the last 5-10 years. ARs have fifty thousand picatinny rails on the barrel shroud with lots of lights and lasers and cup holders and other garbage because it looks cool. But try standing in high-ready for a few hours every day for a week

No continuous autofocus in video is a deal breaker for me. I'm keeping my Mk 2 for now.

And 640x480 at 30fps too.

I'm seriously disappointed that the Mark III doesn't have continuous autofocus in video modes. Of course, the purists in the Canon blogs are saying dumb stuff like "Why would you need that? That's why Hollywood has focus pullers." Blah blah blah...whatever. When I've got my 5D in my Steadicam Merlin rig, I can't

I can see why Humma Kavula would want one of these.

Man, that's awful. Technologic Systems products boot wicked fast. Unfortunately, USB triples the boot time but 6 seconds is still pretty good. IMHO, for Linux to become the de facto OS for embedded appliances, it's got to cold boot in 2 seconds and have a filesystem that doesn't need to be checked when you switch

I'm from Missouri on this one. The AK-47 is really a piece of crap as carbines go but they are easy to maintain and wicked cheap to produce. Improve accuracy? Have you SEEN news footage of banana republic militants shooting these things? Not too many of them actually use the sights.

How long does it take to boot (with USB enabled)?

That's all well and good but you can't put a reservoir on top of your car or airplane. There's also the inherent problem of getting the enviro-nazis to STFU and allow dams and reservoirs to be built.

I prefer to pretend that AVP never existed in the first place. IMHO, it's nothing more than the little boy fantasy created by having plastic figures from two genres stuffed in the same toy box.

Exactly. Disney knew that he had to keep things secret lest swamp land owners inflate the prices way beyond what they would normally be. If Apple had went directly to the trademark owner, the owner would have said "One meeeeeeeeellllion dollars" or probably a lot more. Apple would have then said "Go pound sand.

Exactly! Fischertechnik rules! Not as well known as it was back in the 70s and 80s. Then again, FAO Schwartz was a high-end toy store not the Toys R Us with fancy real estate that it is now.

Not just any red though. The technical term is "F.M. Red" and plenty of ladies I know use it. F.M. Red dresses also go with F.M. Pumps.

"Only human arrogance would assume the message must be meant for man."