
And I thought I was nuts. The sound doesn't happen during the commercials (why am I not surprised). I've also noticed this during live broadcasts of Dancing With The Stars (hey, man, some of the women are wicked hot). Both on ABC. Coincidence?

Continuous autofocus while shooting video. That's all I want. Oh, and a Vincent Laforet button.

Looks great on paper until the stock tanks in the first few days.

This should be required viewing in order to vote.

Apple versus Google. Discuss.

I'd love know what this measures on a chronograph.

But marijuana is just supposed to be for medical uses. Who comes up with this bizarro crap?

Maybe the laborers formed a union and went on strike.

The dodecahedron is one of the five platonic solids. The first four were associated with the four "elements"; earth, air, fire, and water. The Pythagoreans thought the fifth solid was something mystical with special powers and therefore dangerous in the hands of peons. Common people were to be kept ignorant of its

Because we haven't yet encountered an alien civilization which makes Earth-centric religion illogical.

*donk donk* Where's the nearest Progressive office?

Plotline for a thriller: In the not-to-distant future, such a pill exists but it's extremely rare and purely a black market item. A group of star-chamber vigilantes seek out the worst criminals and manage to convince them that taking the pill would allow them to forget their horrific crimes and become normal members

Does this correlate with the inversion of the magnetic poles?

We're already seeing glimpses into the government usurping the rights of parents to determine what's best for their children. It's more often about the unintended consequences of giving up one's rights, freedoms, and liberties. We see a parent that barely gives their child enough food to survive and we think that

Here's a thought experiment for the Fox News haters out there. The philosopher Lichtenstein was speaking with a pupil who said "Can you believe that people once believed that the sun revolved around the Earth?" To which he responded "Yeah, but I wonder what it would have looked like if the sun HAD been revolving

Jeez. I can make these for $4 or less.

I concur. The current crop of smart TVs are akin to internet-enabled cellphones prior to the advent of the iPhone or music distribution prior to Napster (or iTunes if you want to be legal about it). Which brings us to my hopes for an Apple TV. If Apple is able to make a TV that can receive say DirecTV content while

True. A little sun might take the geek-glare off our pasty white skin.

That's a worst-case scenario but you can be sure it would sell like hotcakes.

I call it "The Alan Parsons Project"