
Lawrence Kasdan MUST, repeat, MUST write Indy 5. IMHO, nobody else can apply just the right amount of secret seasonings.

Sure, but it isn't effective beyond 50 yards. This comes from having taken tactical shotgun course. One of the things they teach you is how to quickly switch to a slug. Now, try shooting slugs at 100 yards from a prone position. That is a new adventure in pain. Turns out that Kotex pads work well as a shoulder

Shot rounds have two problems: 1) they have a limited range regardless of the type of choking including a Vang Comp barrel, 2) they also experience donut effect in the pattern. Cops have fired at suspects and the suspect walked away without a single pellet on them.

Lots of thing wrong with this:

Oooooo...Kristen Bell....She's yummy delicious.

Space elevator seems to be the only one that would actually allow humans to grow beyond the confines of our planet. Everything else seems to be a distraction project. Humans are still going to have desires that require selling something to someone else or taking something from someone else by force. As long as some

Meh. This one has the advantage of two magazine tubes so you can load one with rifled slugs and the other with Dragon's Breath.

Also known as a Glory which inspired Wilson to invent the cloud chamber and unintentionally furthering nuclear research.

Ah, but we've descended into a zero-tolerance politically-correct society or at least some people have....but only if you disagree with those people.

This has a Space: 1999 feel to it which makes me nostalgic for really amazing model making.

You've fallen victim to the clathic blunder. The motht famouth of which is: never get involved in a land war in Athia. But only thlightly leth well known is thith: Never go up againtht a Thithilian when death is on the line!!! Ah ha ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha...*flump*

Who cooks or does laundry or showers after 8pm? I'd venture to say that most people use the most energy between 5 and 7 am and between 5 and 7 pm. And then there are non-retail businesses, most of which aren't open after 5pm.

This has been a hot topic here in Arizona (no pun intended). The readers are thanking people who refuse to let the meters be installed. But beyond that is the blatant bullshit that APS is feeding people. "Oh, you'll be able to monitor your electricity usage throughout the day." Um, yeah, and why the hell would I

If you refrigerate them, they hurt more. :-}

Titan A.E. was underrated and not because I worked on it.

I read in a job hunting book that you should get some little round red stickers and put one in the upper corner of your resume on the grounds that the reader will think whoever in the company gave it to them put it there to indicate this was a candidate worth looking at. Never tried it but often wonder if that works.

The redneck method involves shooting them at a distance with rubber bands. This is highly entertaining.

A friend of mine drilled one that happened to land on his paper target with a .223 round out of his carbine. And we have the photo to prove it.

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