
Given what I know of the Mattel sculptors, this is tame.

Even if this study turns out to show no link, i propose a multi-million dollar study to examine the correlation between increased estrogen in the water and the increased pussification of the American male.

I'm still waiting for the elusive closed-loop system. Apparently the technology works but some paranoid people at the FDA are worried that it could be hacked.

Those are in UTM. Seems Google Earth can display them but can't interpret them. Try these instead:

This sort of thing makes you think that MIT students never really study but instead just play with cool tech all day long. Given the rowdiness of the MIT frat boys who live on the other side of the Charles on the B.U. campus, you might agree.

This gets me thinking: Anime characters rarely translate well to live action. The girls just don't look the same. So, what if you took a Cameron/Avatar approach to a 3D near-live-action anime film? That way you could get the live action performances on anime look-and-feel.

Lots of people were bored with the first season of Lost too. Give them a chance to explore some of the mysterious bits from the pilot and this week. And more bikini girls.

Maybe they just got copies of 2012 and are preparing.

Hardly. Blowing through $300 million dollars with little to show for it isn't about politics, religion, or morality. Clearly the company realized that the treatments weren't working because if they were, there would be droves of investors lining up to put money in it. All the more so because of the promise of

Maybe those shots haven't been finished yet. They have over four months.

Protesting is not a very effective much less respected way of affecting the changes the occupiers want. Would you give in to a kid who throws a tantrum every time they don't get their way? Anyone can run for office in this country not just those with a pedigree of nobility (or faux nobility as the case may be). The

Right. Because that's exactly the kind of job these self-absorbed recent college grads with no practical skills who live in Zucotti Park want. This makes no sense at all. "Characterized by or exhibiting decorum"

Why else would we hold the World's Fair in Queens?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

They want to be able to charge more for certain data types. By squeezing them through regulation, the ISPs have less incentive to improve things in general. Business is like those water-filled balloon sausage-shaped dohickeys. If you squeeze in one place, it just expands in another until it shoots across the room.

The WSJ had a good article about this in today's issue. Basically, the researchers have determined that the various parts of the capillary system have signatures like a zip code. The treatment is designed to target the capillary type that feeds white fat cells.

My thoughts exactly. Only if you're into bulimorexic chicks. Yech.

This puppy is really impressive especially since they don't run it anywhere near full power.

That's Honda prices for you. Hell, even the non-hybrid tracked model is $3000. I just bought the Troy-bilt tracked model for just over $1000. Totally worth it especially if your driveway has a steep slope to it.