
Jeez, when are people going to wake up to the fact that it's human nature to pass on a buttf*cking if they are able to? Just because the FCC mandated that the ISPs can't charge what they want doesn't mean that it's going to be all 50 MBPS all the time no matter where you are for only 99 cents a month. The ISPs will

Jesu Christo...make da ganglia twitch!

It's the ignorant short-sighted nature of any and all government. Pick the lowest bidder regardless of their level of experience and quality of their work. I saw it unfold recently with a road project given to the lowest bidder which then ran a year behind schedule and $500k over budget. This same company got into

Oh, you can't hold your water with that story.

Maybe if Hollywood stopped the pussification of stories and scripts, things would be better. Case in point: Han shot first 30+ years ago. Hollywood used to have realistic villains instead of politically-correct ones.

Once again, what the eff does this have to do with technology and gizmos? Unless the camera the guy was using was a Red Scarlet filming the incident in glorious 5K 120fps, the story does not belong on this site.

Good point. ST4 and The City on the Edge of Forever were more about circumstance-needing-to-be-overcome.

Reminds me of Heavy Metal without all the boobs.

I find that footage beautiful in a macabre sort of way. Totally worth the watch as are the two follow-up videos. Want to know the genesis of Greenpeace? Watch the video. It's got nothing to do with whales.

I'll build it for only $75 billion.

It's usually accessible and pressing hard causes extreme pain enough to illicit a reaction even if the subject is comatose.

A quick way to determine is someone is dead is to press hard on their eyebrow with your thumb. This tip brought to you by my dad who has had to pronounce a few people back in the day.

I'd like contacts with OLEDs powered by RFID energy so I could change my eye color at will and perhaps play video to really freak people out.

What's new about this? I see it all the time. Joe Jackson even wrote a song about it.

Can they just buy Intuit and Adobe and be done with it?

I can just see guys from the Geek Squad using this stuff to scam unsuspecting computer owners.

This could also seriously freak out TSA people.

I haven't used a desktop-based Mac in many years because I like the portability of my Macbook Pro 17". That being said, the graphics power isn't quite there yet to do major 3D stuff or to do major video editing without the cooling fan running at full bore. It'll get there in probably five years though.

That's why these devices as well as Tasers and rubber bullets are referred to as "less lethal".

That's why there's a fresh water shortage too. It's being taken out of circulation and stored in new humans.