
Is it just me or does this look suggest that ScarJo would be a great replicant in a Blade Runner sequel? Of course, we're gonna need to see some steamy sex scenes to be sure she's a replicant.

Pity Kurt Vonnegut's story is playing out right before our very eyes. Yes, folks, there are people who are smarter, better looking, more talented, and richer than you are and they didn't steal it from anyone.

"personal discomfort"? That's what KY is for. Duh.

You used to be able to wander around the boneyard in Tucson. Now you have to take a friggin' bus tour. Thanks a lot, Osama.

IMHO, it's all about expectations and it's not gender-specific. Women these days watch a whole lot of TV relationships especially those featuring neanderthal guys and their rocket-scientist wives/girlfriends and they start to believe that that's the way life is supposed to be. If it comes out of Hollywood (or the

If 3D didn't give you a headache before, this thing wobbling along surely will give shake-cam a bad name.

Same here. My father was a corpsman (not corpse-man) late in the war and he was scheduled to depart San Diego for the invasion of Japan when they dropped the bombs. Many people don't realize that corpsman at that time weren't usually armed and they had big red cross emblems on they uniforms. Those things made great

As an aside, I have to say that Staybridge Hotels gets a thank you from me for having Lucky Charms at their breakfast buffet. Made my whole day.

Enterprise, what we got back...didn't live long...fortunately.

I think it loses something in translation.

"The purpose of science is to serve mankind. You seem to regard science as some kind of dodge... or hustle. Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist."

Was it worth much?

As I understand from some friends who have been to South America, a high-quality machete is as desirable as a high-end katana or Toledo broadsword. Makes me want to invest in one.

For my money, even chest-bursting isn't as for-life-scarring as that episode. *shudder*

Worst death: Death by being sucked into the Space: 1999 tentacle monster, roasted alive, and having your carcass spit out so you can scare the bejesus out of the next dude.

OMFG, you're believing a guy who says on his website "Cecil Adams is the world's most intelligent human being. We know this because: (1) he knows everything, and (2) he is never wrong."??? If that's not a straw man argument, nothing is.

And yet, people back then had fewer forms of entertainment and very little in the way of personal technology. If they had a car, they were likely to have one. Houses were much smaller. A TV? Forget it. Never mind more than one. You had a radio if you were lucky. People didn't run out to buy new clothes every

Assuming for just a brief moment that you are serious, let me remind you that one of the first things the actual Nazi's did when they came to power was to require all guns to be registered. They subsequently confiscated all privately-owned guns thus rendering the citizens defenseless.

For that kind of money, it better have continuous auto-focus in all video modes.

Not only that, we're the ones who KNOW that Han shot first instead of this revisionist history bullsh*t we're subjected to nowadays.