
Given current events, I'd say this is aimed squarely at the Gen Y/Millenials at these protests who think all their debts should be forgiven. This author is saying "Get over yourself." As a Gen X'er myself taking care of parent who lived through the Great Depression and WWII, one of whom escaped the USSR, survived

This is very Max Headroom.

Somebody 'splain to me why the science prizes are awarded years if not decades after the pivotal work yet the Peace prize is given out willy nilly to people who haven't accomplished a damn thing and in some case haven't resulted in peace at all.

Or as Carl Sagan would say "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

A rose is a rose is a rose is.

That would explain why most people didn't see Nazi Germany coming or the Soviet Union or any other totalitarian regime.

I'd like one of these for my cordless drill. It would make installing rectangular switches in a dashboard possible.

All I want to know is whether or not it has a crescendo ending instead of these weird non-sequitor-ish endings he's prone to write while simultaneously leaving lots of things hanging in midair.

Marvin, of course, as spoken by Alan Rickman.

Sooooo...when is Fleshbot going to do their "review" of Siri?

I always point at my canine teeth and say "What are these for if we're only supposed to eat veggies?" Or I say "My eyes are on the same side of my face."

That just sounds like a Greenfieldism to me.

Duh, it sounds like Leeloo because she speaks the divine language, spoken throughout the universe before time was time.

Would you rather be Gillian McKeith (age 51) who advocates a holistic approach to nutrition and health, promoting exercise, a vegetarian diet high in organic fruits and vegetables. She recommends detox diets, colonic irrigation and supplements []

He's in the Pit of *cough* *hack* *wheeeeeeze* *ahem* the Pit of Despair. Don't even think of trying to escape.

Personally, I'm waiting for NSFW Neutrinos.

I have been saying this for decades. The ENTIRE diet and exercise industry is predicated on you NOT losing weight permanently because if it worked that way you wouldn't need to pay their fees continuously.

Mac IIci. We had IIfxs on the project I was working on but I couldn't afford one at the time. Dumped my PCs and Amigas and never looked back.

I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy going on here that guys like Laforet have some super-secret version of the 5DMk2 firmware that makes all their stuff look incredible and any ordinary 5DMk2 owner's footage look decidedly ordinary. It's the same feeling 3D animators have when they ask for a John Knoll button.