
Obligatory conspiracy theory: Could be why power companies are going full bore on smart meters. They could be designed to sense the wireless flow so they can bill you for your power as well as your neighbor's power.

Something doesn't add up here. Residential water wells in the East are about 200 feet deep. Fracking occurs at 8000 feet. So are we to believe that all this methane is somehow seeping up through a mile and a half of bedrock?

Or perhaps Brave New World talking about eugenics might encourage people to consider it...again.

Maybe Brave New World might encourage some kids to think they are better than others. Nah...that would NEVER happen. #sarcasm

"Looking at the cakes is like looking at the future. Until you've tasted it, what do you know? And then of course, it's too late."

At the risk of pissing of the feminazis out screw it, I don't flying f*ck Boris Vallejo style if I offend the feminazis. Get over it. Here's a news flash for you: You CAN be super sexy AND be a heroine.

This is all well and good. I really, really, really, REALLY do NOT need thirty-five (yes, thirty-effing-five) shopping/infomercial channels. But, IMHO, the devil is in the details. I don't want to see that crap in my onscreen guide either and I don't want to see "channel not subscribed" when I surf. Speaking of

Attaaack of the Killer Tomaaaaatoes.......

Two things:

I didn't know ships had a manifesto. That commie bastard.

Oh, well, aren't we just Mr. Smartypants.

Random but funny.

Quikclot has been replaced by Celox. Quikclot has an exothermic reaction so it burns the subject. Celox doesn't. But you need to know how to use it properly or it's worthless. You have to sweep away whatever blood, especially partly clotted blood, with your hand and immediately dump the Celox in the wound. You're assuming that the other person has a moral compass and it isn't stuck on stupid. Plenty of people think they're such hot sh*t that they expect to get away with treating other people like crap.

Step 1: Be realistic. These days, too many people think they are worth more than they are. Kid fresh out of college never having worked a day in their life are expecting $50K+ salaries and 6 weeks vacation. Who raised these people?

This begs the technical question of whether or not you could come up with a piece of cloth that not only concealed a weapon but would project a false image of something else.

Well said, sir. Too often the media will take something out of context or invent the context when there isn't enough information. I can remember a time when cops were respected just on face value. These days, kids are told practically from birth that their special and their parents let them get away with all kinds

The beer kegs must be off camera.

IMHO, Google is trying to deflect the incoming fire by mentioning an irrelevant statistic. Where (i.e. what OS) a search comes from means nothing when it's mostly going through Google's search engine. Google just dug themselves into a deeper hole. Of course, Congress probably isn't smart enough to realize it.

IMHO, we humans try to fix what wasn't really broken when it comes to nature. Ooo...Sugar bad! But unsweetened stuff (except black tea) sucks so we'll try saccharin, aspertame, and HFCS. Okay, maybe sucrose wasn't so bad after all. Oooo...saturated fat bad!! But fat-free and unsaturated fat cooking sucks so we