
Ah, yes, once again George Carlin was right. "You nail two pieces of wood together that have never been nailed together before and some schmuck will buy it from you."

So outsourcing Lucasfilm production overseas a good idea? Got it. Okay then.

Oh, whine whine whine whine WHINE!!! Let me got call the waaaambulance for you.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I'm glad someone else noticed this. Seriously, Gawker-site-article-authors, please try to stay on topic and no, this is nowhere near the topic of science fiction. You want to foment bogus political theories? The Daily Kos is two websites down the information superhighway on the left.

Okay, so did anyone else notice that only guys where the ones getting launched in to the wild blue yonder? Dude, where's the wardrobe malfunction reel?

IMHO, the design of the aircraft could be improved. The passenger compartment should be a self-contained removable module. The nose of the aircraft would open up like a 747 air freighter and the compartment would slide in and out. That way people could board the compartment while waiting for the plane to arrive and

That sounds just like a typical Gawker website induced political discussion.

What a bunch of stereotyping HORSESHIT! Jesus H. First, Gawker picks THE most leftist liberal (and severely broken) states as the best in the country and now this crap?

Well, hey, I tried eDischord a while back and after spending 45 excruciating minutes on their questionnaire, it told me that there was nobody within a 100 mile radius of L.A. that was a match.

Speaking as a Search & Rescue member, HELL YES! Give me a ruggedized iPad with an OLED display.

This looks suspiciously like one I saw being used on a reality TV show set a few weeks ago. Worked great for them.

And as soon as he leaves, so will the cell service.

This is one step removed from naked women planking. That just makes no sense at all.

It's all about the watts, boys and girls. But, IMHO, this kid may be on to something. I've often thought that battery technology could be advanced with fractal structures to increase the surface area without increasing volume.

Okay, so humans are killing the planet. Here's a modest proposal: if you're so worried about it, take one for the team and off yourself. I guarantee that you won't have to worry about it after, you'll be doing the planet a favor, and you'll add a little proof to your theories. #sarcasm

Nifty proof-of-concept/experiment but IMHO, it's like the Makerbot in that you can't really make anything of salable production quality.

I might just have to make a shell for my Polariz Rzr that looks like those vehicles.

That webcam must be about as much fun as watching paint dry.

Straight from the Paul Krugman (aka Enron adviser extraordinaire) economic recovery playbook.