
Oh sure, just give the terrorists the recipe. Thanks, a lot, Giz.

Set the date clock back about 30+ years and look at who was considered super-smart and gifted.

What? No letter of resignation? Oh, wait, that would make everyone else's job easier.

Now, see, I just was watching Summer Glau's FHM photo shoot video so I didn't even read this article. And then I found a 1080p YouTube video of Summer in some show where she's in a bikini. So I really didn't pay attention to this article. But the title made me think of it so I had to share. I'll be in my bunk.

Women are usually a step or two ahead of us neanderthals. seriously...ewwwwwwwwwwww....

Give me an office with a door I can close with a sign that says "Eff off. I'm busy and you're not that important."

Oh puhleeze. This is akin to kids getting trophies for participation. Not everyone is super smart. Not everyone is gifted. Not everyone can own a private island.

These authors are a walking Greenfieldism. "We point to the Twin Towers and we point to our heads up our asses. That's all."

I remember the first automatic flushing urinals in a rest area on the Ohio Turnpike back in the 70s. The didn't have any delay on them so my dad and I flushed them in sequence. Good times.

It's the Broken Windows theory.

China recently went through "testing" roughly 2000 lead-acid battery companies and only 300 survived. The floor is open for conspiracy theories.

And that there would be the speed of smell.

Ah but this doesn't take into account the negotiating *cough*bribery*cough* session to get free stuff.

It's the Ravishal Pulsar.

In space, no one can smell your farts.

I really love how people totally misuse the word "fascism".

Starting at $15,000? Yeesh. Although that is cheaper than DraganFlyer.

This reminds me of the Vivarium at the MIT Media Lab.