
IMHO, there is also a highly adaptive metabolism which is evidenced by the fact that you can eat nothing for long periods of time and not lose weight but the minute you eat something the body stores every last molecule.

Correct but the only reason I know this is because there is a gazorninplat screw in the Steadicam Merlin product and they explain it.

I'm really not interested in appetite suppression when there are lots of people in the world who can eat a lot (or dare I say normal amounts) and not gain an ounce. Clearly their metabolic rate is faster than other people. IMHO, THAT is the solution we should be looking for.

To be or not to be. That is the gazorninplat.

Firing through glass is very unpredictable despite what Hollywood would have us believe. The suspect has a 3000 pound weapon so you have to be sure. That being said, most cops go to the range twice a year to qualify. There are documented cases of law enforcement firing dozens of rounds at a suspect who then walks

This video has no context whatsoever. Any suit brought against the police with only this as evidence would be thrown out in court.

As an engineer, the entire diet and exercise industry is total bullsh*t. It's like trying to keep a leaky swimming pool full by constantly running a garden hose. Plug the leak. Permanently raise the metabolic rate.

His wife probably looked at the picture and said "Dude, you do know that cameras put on ten pounds?"

Texting has been a b.s. cash-cow for the carriers for years in much the same way that of record companies requiring you to buy an entire CD of crap to get the one song you like. More power to Apple, IMHO. And the fact that the message conversation is shared/sync'ed/clouded(?) among all your devices is pretty nifty.

I seriously hope that they didn't blow off improvements to the actual phone app, specifically a one-touch way to Google a phone number I don't recognize.

Holbrook does have some of the best rock shops around. Jim Gray's Petrified Wood is one of the biggest and best. Some of their coffee tables are stunning. What I find fascinating is that you acquire mineral rights on a piece of land to literally mine petrified wood.

Hydrate before you go to bed. Equal amounts of water to booze.

As a member of Search & Rescue here are a couple of tips:

Making fun of fly-over country isn't so hilarious now, is it?

In a similar vein, the irresponsible media filming U.S.-made gas canisters at Egyptian riots and then drawing the conclusion that the U.S. was involved is flat-out stupid. That would be like blaming China for...OMG EVERYTHING!!!

I remember seeing the Enterprise from ST:First Contact on a motion-control stage at ILM. That thing was HUGE...and upside down. I'm guessing they were filming the wide shot from the zero-g combat sequence.

Meh. I want a real-time universal translator app.

Meh. Their P/E/ ratio is only 16. Google and Oracle have P/E's over 20. Sure, Microsoft's P/E is 9 but Apple's growth rate in the last year is 30% whereas Microsoft shrank by 11%.

Yeah, well, as of Friday, Apple's revenue was $87.5 billion whereas Microsoft's is only $68.6 billion. Apple's growth rate is over 30% in the last year whereas Microsoft has shrunk by 11%. Apple has $11 billion in cash. Microsoft only has $5 billion.

RAM is pretty cheap these days. 8GB kits from Trans International are under $100. I've been using their stuff for at least the last ten years with zero problems.