
You can't engineer out (or legislate against) blatant human stupidity. The robot didn't load itself. A fallible human loaded it. A fallible human didn't check it. And once again, the irresponsible media blamed the device instead of the human.

Wake me when he starts reading "His Dark Materials"

Given that I had a small hand in Phantom Menace, it will always have a place in my heart. Other than that, I miss the gritty, mysterious quality in 4, 5, & 6. And of course, George violated the cardinal rule of sci-fi/fantasy writing: Don't explain stuff.

"The world operates not on reality..."

Meh. After having used an iPad for a year, I've come to the conclusion that tablets work great for some things, dare I say things you don't need a computer for, and tablets are lousy for other things. Seems as though Microsoft is attempting to be all things to all people and I doubt that it's going to work.

I'd want to see the results of the same study done in other countries because I'll bet that cultural differences are a big factor.

My question would be: Are they identifying a conclusion/cause/result before even beginning the research? Seems that too many scientists these days are following this cart-before-the-horse methodology.

You'd get thigh cancer. EVERYBODY PANIC!!!

Well, this brings up a theory of mine. Bacon is good. Really good. Muslims don't/can't eat bacon. The West eats it a lot. Muslims are jealous of Westerners enjoying something so immensely. The radicals of the group go all batshait crazy as a result. So, my solution to the problem is send them lots and lots of

Mostly lame. The leaf app is pretty cool though especially when you desperately need to know if you're looking at poison ivy and poison oak. Most of these apps just appear to be more ways for the authors to do the same thing. IMHO, the best apps are ones that give you functionality you can't get on a laptop or

Pre-made store-bought burgers are pretty lame, IMHO. I prefer to get a piece of chuck roast (boneless) with a decent fat cap to it and then grind it with a KitchenAid mixer and grinder attachment. Fat is the key, boys and girls, to decent tasting meat. It does need to be ground twice though for best results.

Because this is a fantasy. Reality is two door down. Besides, if the girl told a male robot that it just wanted to be friends it would become Marvin, feeling very depressed because you know it has an exceptionally large mind and GPP.

Well, because this is a fantasy. Reality is two doors down. Besides, if the girl told a male robot that she just wanted to be friends, it would most likely turn into Marvin and feel very depressed because you know, it has an exceptionally large mind and GPP.

Two words: Summer Glau. (You can thank me for the plug later, dear :-)

Anyone here remember People's Express? *shudder*

Well, my female border-collie wipes front to back (by dragging her butt on the ground) so there is something to it.

Here's a follow-up: Maybe this is what Victoria's Secret really is. THE MODELS ARE ALL VAMPIRES!!!

Yeah, that's interesting. It says "Smudge".

Okay, so becoming a vampire causes your tats to vanish, trendy piercings to disappear and your hair to grow out to a more feminine length. Sounds great to me!

Fine and dandy but are you old enough to remember when meat and pork really tasted good and when veal was actually cheaper than chicken? We have been screwing around with our food on the pretense of trying to make it more healthful but in the end who would want to eat it if it tastes like crap? I stand by my first