
Maybe it's taken 20 years for beautiful, intelligent women to try their hand at engineering.

Okay, seriously, I want details. What were all those fiddly lens bits he was using? Why do you need them? Details details. I've got perhaps ten thousand feet of 8mm, Super 8, and 16mm film. And I've got a 5D Mk 2. Telecineing all of that will cost a small fortune. If I can do this with what I have, I'm

Not all Griffins are awesome. Kathy Griffin is the female equivalent of a douchebag.

So when some woman tells me that red isn't my color, should I totally disbelieve her and wear red deliberately or is she saying "you will look like a troll no matter what you wear"?

What a crock of sh*t! Napster started the ball rolling. By embracing iTunes, these boneheads in the music industry finally realized that the consumer was no longer willing to pay $15 for 1 song they liked and 11 they didn't. Bon Jovi obviously still hasn't gotten that message. Apple simply brought the music

I'd feel a lot better too if I was holding some woman's cans. ;-)

I'd feel a lot better too if I was holding some woman's cans. ;-)

Mapping: Scenic Map. Hands down. And you ain't seen nothin' yet with this puppy.

I've known a lot of people who seriously chow down constantly and are skinny as a rail while another person eats a Tic-Tac and gains five pounds. A person can diet (seriously diet) and it constantly gets more difficult like trying to push a marble out of a parabolic bowl. Sure you see people who porked out and then

Summer Glau should be the new Lara Croft.


Really? Allow me to introduce you to a little document known as The Constitution which clearly states that the federal government's job is to provide for the common defense. It does not say, however, that it's job is to provide for the general welfare. The word is promote. You cannot elevate people by simply

Summer is one of the few beautiful actresses in Hollywood who isn't a total whackjob. That's one reason why she's still working. She wasn't "created" by Hollywood and is therefore grounded in reality.

Okay, so how could you build a device to triangulate the location of the ground-based GPS transmitter?

IMHO, let's call a spade a spade here. Those people were terrorists NOT criminals. They must be treated as such. This was a wanton act of war. To describe them and the event otherwise only elevates them from being the slime of humanity.

IMHO, if John Knoll is working on this it has a shot at being decent.

What makes me cry, nay scream in anger, is how distracted humans have been over the last thousand years. In Cosmos, Sagan talked about how knowledge of the dodecahedron was suppressed because some humans thought the rest of humanity shouldn't know about it and if knowledge wasn't suppressed we would be traveling to

My dream job. Of course it has to include flying around in helicopters dropping explosive charges out the door.

I wonder how many black (technically, you can't say "African American" or even "African") Zimbabweans wish they were still under British rule. Update != New Version. And it's more like "Windows? No, goddammit, I don't want to update because then I'll have to deal with your stupid copy protection again."