
Hey baby, you're a 1.618. Awesome pickup line. Although somehow I think the only hot babe that would get that line is Danica McKellar.

But the Soviets would have conscripted/shanghaied/kidnapped all the slave labor they needed to build it on trumped up charges like possessing gold or pre-Soviet era paper money or having more land than their neighbor or just because their neighbor didn't like them and invented a story to get rid of them and when those

Yeah...too bad these already exist in numerous forms.

I think you're missing the point. The iOS design isn't for the power-user or hacker (the good kind) type. iOS is intended for the non-geek user so constantly adding fancy features only makes the experience more complex every time a new version comes out thus alienating their intended customer. Someone who is

"The 9000 series uses holographic memory so chronological erasures would not work."

Nitrogen is popular in the auto racing world where the extreme speeds and stresses make a difference.

Not sure if I subscribe to this theory. Solar was all the rage in the mid to late 70s so if you applied Moore's Law to this we should have been at parity 10-20 years ago. Certainly we should be way ahead of where we are right now but that's not the case. The cost per kilowatt is supposedly somewhere between 25 and

*sigh* Summer Glau is dreamy. Not in a female-equivalent-of-why-in-hell-do-girls-fawn-all-over-Justin-Beiber way. She's got a super sexy girl-next-door quality. Okay okay, a picture is worth a thousand words and video more so. Enjoy: []

I want a waterproof (IP67 rated) iPad case. Goofy plastic bag products need not apply.

Somebody please beg Red Bull to use this as the site for one of their air races.

Am I the only one here old enough to remember when there weren't Lego "Sets" designed to build one thing and you had to actually use your imagination to build stuff? Plus, I was a much bigger fan of Fischertechnik. Still am to this day.

Somebody 'splain to me why it would take $300 million. But here's a semi-related question: why isn't there a Sci-Fi Classics channel featuring only reruns of the best sci-fi series and films? I'd watch that

Apple also has economies-of-scale that other companies may not have. You want to make one widget? Okay, it costs you $300. You want to make 100? Now the price is $99. Plus, they can call up Foxconn and say "Make this for this much money. Don't like it? Okay then, we'll pull all of our other products from your

Been here, done that. It's a pretty long drive from the north end of Death Valley but you can see Ubehebe crater and Teapot Junction along the way. And even when you get there, there is a sign telling you it's a 1/4 mile walk out onto the lake bed. Bring water and tell people where you are going and when you'll be

They always find a way to screw you. See if this makes sense to you. Chase Rewards card. You can spend the rewards points to pay off a charge to the card made in the last 60 days at a rate of 100 points per dollar. Or, you can get a $150 check mailed to you for 10,000 points or 66.6 points per dollar. Goofy.

"God must love stupid people"

Oh, come ON people! Do you not remember the brilliant writing that was Lake Placid?

Agron has a mellifluous singing voice which I like a lot so that makes me want to see this (when it comes to HBO) but other than that I seriously just can't get into supernatural characters that just happen to be pretty people. I mean, come on, if you're a fugitive alien trying to hide out on Earth, you'd be much

Dr. Evil said to be unimpressed and only offers one million dollars for it.

I'll see your wimpy golfball launcher and raise you a plethora of bowling ball cannons: