
Arg. Doesn't Apple realize that baby boomers are the ones with all the money and yet their eyesight will continue to degrade so why make the thing smaller?

Putting aside my personal love of trains, there are a lot of things wrong with this. First, 250MPH is a maximum which you will probably only reach for a couple of minutes on a given run. Having taken the Acela over the holidays from Connecticut to Philly, we reach 140MPH for about 15 minutes. The bulk of the trip

I dunno, maybe it's just me but none of these apps is OMFG going-to-change-the-world cool. There isn't anything there that you can't do on a laptop and many of them don't do anything that their iPhone equivalent does.

The idea of royalties is fabricated by opportunistic lawyers or unions in order to milk the art for more than it's really worth. A great deal of what people call art is total crap yet some charismatic people convince sheeple that the crap is worth something often several orders of magnitude more and that system

Okay, so let me get this straight. If we geeks who love sci-fi TV oh so much and who are sophisticated enough to know how to skip commercials didn't do that while watching Firefly, the show might be still around? it.

Hey, that's a TRS-80 Model 1 with the Expansion module (I think it gave you a whopping 48K of RAM) and two 5 1/4" Floppy disk drives! Man, that brings back memories. Hell, I even hacked the motherboard to give me a lowercase character set WITH DESCENDERS!!! Good times.

Whatever. I'm watching it solely for the simple beauty that is Summer Glau. She and what's-his-butt did a promo bit during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and she was a vision in winter clothing.

The first rule of UFOs is you do not talk about UFOs. The second rule of UFOs is you talk about not talking about UFOs.

Two questions:

A buddy of mine, now deceased, wanted to start an Asian job search website and call it Pacific Rim Jobs. The logo was going to be a eyeball colored brown.

I'm all for Daniel Craig as Bond. He's a man's man. Even I could have kicked Roger Moore's ass. Pierce Brosnan is way better as a Thomas Crown than he is as a Bond and his era of Bond films were so over-the-top unrealistic that they're almost unwatchable. As for Quantum of Solace, I'm convinced this was a chapter

Think this or anything else that the government comes up with is a good idea? Ask yourself how you'd feel when the "other" political party is in control of it.

Sorry, I call bullsh*t. Verizon passed on the iPhone? Doubt it. Verizon's upper management was heavily into gimping cellphone hardware/software as it had done up until that point. It's the same as the record companies being dragged kicking and screaming out of the dark ages where they knew they could cram 11 songs

Okay, so now nobody is allowed to make fun of people who use a credit card to buy a pack of gum. It's safer that way.

Unless something changes, the gene pool will continue to thin. Notice that the vast majority of highly intelligent people have two or fewer children. Also notice how many truly stupid people are out wandering around in the world causing traffic jams and pissing off people who know where they are going. On top of

I got the first five of this series when I was a kid. Still got them. Never understood why the Eagle had green parts and my Thunderbirds vehicle was blue.

I saw a guy using one of these like 25 years ago. Looked totally awesome. What would be even more awesome is if it had a gas-powered track on the back that you could use to ride back up the hill then flip out of the way for the downhill run.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Well said. Just as with Katrina it wasn't the fault of Mother Nature, oh no, and it wasn't the fault of local governments who botched the evacuation, nuh uh, and it wasn't the fault of the local government who knew that the levies weren't up to the challenge for 40+ years, no way, it was the Bush

But see therein lies the problem. I don't want the Nanny State telling me I can't have a really powerful laser to burn stuff with.

@CommentStalker: I think you mean "ditto" in reference to the way old school ditto machines. Funny how the expression never got updated to Xerox or Command-C/Command-V (or Control-C/Control-V for PC folk). Sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)