He Who Must Not Be Named

FUD in the form of click bait.
Freaking out about this is like taking a doofus like Samantha Bee seriously.
Furthermore, most people have no idea how a Constitutional Convention works much less the Constitution itself.

SERIOUSLY missing the point. The competition is making the whole process go faster. Ever since the Soviets lost the space race, NASA has pretty much been slacking off.
On a related note, it occured to me that there is no intellectual property law in Star Trek and Star Wars. Seems like it’s a serious impediment to major

You know that Nova episode from a few weeks back on the next generation battery technology? That stuff needs to happen right now on a massive scale and none of this “Oh, the automotive industry gets it first” crap.

All that cutting-edge technology and they can’t manage to keep the video feed locked in the whole time? Feh.

This is what happens when people disagree on the definition, standards, and practices of “science.” Think you know what science is? Other people will disagree with you.

To this day, I’m confused by the notion of a woman who told me that her favorite film is A Clockwork Orange and yet has a problem with guys looking at porn.

How exactly do they know that someone stole their missing fossils? - Grammar Nazi

I’m just wondering why they didn’t try this all out sans expensive payload.

Pampered Chef. What a ripoff. Just go to a restaurant supply house and buy all that stuff for a lot less money.
Back in the early 90s, pre-Google et al, I went to the sales pitch for one of these ludicrous warehouse club things. Their showroom had a lot of fancy stuff in it. Boats. Hot tubs. They said that you had a

What was that thing smart people keep saying about correlation?

At one point there was a legal case brought against the makers of VCRs but it was thrown out. The manufacturers are not responsible for their products’ misuse.

Because all streakers wait until the cameras are pointed right at them for maximum shock value.

As hilarious as this thread is, I can tell you that your kids are going to be saying the same things to you when you get old and decrepit and they aren’t going to sanitize the language either.
That said, I’m grateful every day that my folks are still with me and have all their marbles.

Remind me again why living in an overpopulated urban area is better than living in the country.

Oh, for Pete’s sake! This is such childish schoolyard crap. “Oh, look, Joey is wearing the same brand shirt as Chris and Joey has cooties! That brand isn’t cool anymore! Joey ruined it!”
GROW - THE - EFF - UP!!!

Feh. Really good characters are a lot of work to create so maybe for the sake of telling some more good stories, keep them around a while.

Here’s the worse problem: communities are exporting their addict problem. With a success rate of 6% (six goddamn percent), the communities who get saddled with rehab group homes are stuck with all those failures.

“I don’t often drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.”
“Chuck Norris’ many-times-great-grandfather.”

Gift horses, you know.

Fun fact: If you notice that clicking seems faster than normal, you probably have a burned out bulb on the side of the car that the turn signal is set to. At least that’s how the mechanical ones usually work.