Smell it. Seriously, smell it. New electronics smell only lasts for a short while. Enjoy it.
Smell it. Seriously, smell it. New electronics smell only lasts for a short while. Enjoy it.
I like to use the questionnaire from Inside The Actor's Studio.
Quark buys mTropolis and kills it. Adobe buys Macromedia and kills off pretty much everything. Microsoft buys Bungie and takes Halo away from the Mac. Autodesk buys up Maya and Softimage in an attempt to gain pricing control over the high-end 3D animation market.
Never go to sleep angry.
Oh, great. Let the kitty out of the burlap, why don't ya? Now the airlines are going to jack up the rate on day 54.
Oven-roasted bacon is excellent. You can often rescue cuts that have too high a meat to fat ratio. And then there is a fringe benefit of saving the drippings to roast potatoes in. Dice up potatoes. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and a little essence. Then toss them in a few tablespoons of bacon drippings and roast.
My own $0.02 is this: don't quit your day job until you have two years pay in the bank and no debt.
How can you find comps for commercial real estate? If you're in a light industrial complex that's mostly filled, does that decrease your chances of lowering your rent? What if you've been a reliable tenant for several years especially when in the beginning you were the only tenant? Does loyalty carry any weight?
Gracefully ignore the snarky responses, I'm interested in using this for search & rescue operations. We had to be sure to use only laser printers because an inkjet map runs if it rains. This concept would seem to be a more durable solution for taking notes.
What happens if it gets wet?
I want this for weather radar and this site:…
By far the worst has to be the person whose only skill is claiming credit for your work while simultaneously shifting blame for their incompetence onto you.
I call B.S. on the whole notion that milk isn't good for you. People have been drinking milk for centuries.
BMI is not the end-all-be-all of health metrics. I've seen many people who are skinny as a rail with hypertension and high cholesterol levels.
"Hey, Mav, you got the number for that truck driving school we saw on TV. I might need that."
Here's a rule for screenwriters in general: Quit with the propaganda. Not everybody is interested in your personal message.
I'll be in my bunk.
Tried this method today using a modified Alton Brown brine (salt, brown sugar, vegetable stock). This will now be my method for all future turkeys.
At this time, allow me to introduce (or remind) you of three words: Kentucky Hot Brown. You're welcome.
IMHO, there are two types of cheating. The most obvious is doing something blatantly dishonest such as selling someone a house without telling them that some things weren't built to code. The other type is finding ways around ridiculous red tape that exists only because some government functionary had to justify…