He Who Must Not Be Named

I find it disingenuous and pathetic (so it's sort of social. Sad and demented but social) that data points are so misused and interpreted out of context to affect social change. Take any publicly traded company. Everyone is required by law to say "Past performance is no indicator of future earnings" or something to

1) Why does Gawker allow people to ban you who haven't asked three questions about your incendiary posting?

Okay, not X-ray spewing black holes but other really cool structures like nebulae.

But but Star Trek, they have shields and sh*t.

*sigh* We really live in a boring part of the galaxy. I want to see exotic astronomical stuff with a hobby telescope.

IIRC, this is an artificial version of an enzyme that naturally occurs in some people. However, dentists will still be able to make a fortune pulling wisdom teeth unnecessarily, giving people doll-perfect (still creepy) teeth, and selling high-end whitening solutions.

Now, see, in Titan A.E. they were able to hold their breath and move from a damaged spacecraft to the cargo hold of another with the help of a fire extinguisher.

Go through his pockets and look for loose change.

None. As in "no phone". The thing would probably tell you a call or text costs 10 cents but the connection fee would be $5. And then the call/text would be delivered by the cellphone equivalent of UPS so the sound/data would be crushed.

I still don't understand why iOS devices don't have separate sleep times for powered versus battery operation. Maybe I want to keep a weather radar running all the time while I'm plugged in. (Yeah, yeah, it's not very "green" of me but tough noogies)

All the more reason to figuratively stomp on the posers.

This doesn't take into account the posers and wannabes who are really good at bullsh*tting other people into believing that they know what they're talking about and everyone else is a moron.

South Carolina has (or had?) some great ones particularly real mortars. You got a reusable launch tube and a box of spherical delights with actual lifting charges on long fuses. Then, in PA, I got something called a SCUD missile with a picture of Saddam Hussein which was a box of a dozen linked tubes. The charge

"They also said artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for love."

Why does there appear to be a correlation between this map and voting maps?

Trouble with that is that it just cuts off the flow. If you have deep veins, a simple tourniquet won't make them stand out thus causing the doofus trying to draw blood to stick you repeatedly and to wiggle the needle around which really, really, REALLY sucks.

And no T.P. Have you ever noticed that these survivors of the apocalypse never take a dump?

There's a far easier and zero-cost way to find a vein for needling. Put a BP cuff on the patient's upper arm and pump it up just above diastolic pressure. This allows the blood to flow into the arm while restricting the return thus causing the veins to swell.

From an engineering point of view, these are all band-aid solutions because you have to keep doing the same thing forever. If you are the type of person who enjoys the prospect of spending several years of your life going to, coming from, and working out at the gym and/or you're the type of person who considers food

Yeah...I used to eat health food until I realized that most people die of natural causes.