A tortoise named Hubert

You gonna be arresting some fugitives with that?

Who would send them confidential information when it might get leaked. Most people won't understand that this leak doesn't indicate a vulnerability to their internal network / harddrives.

The article on Giz implies that since the f16 and the drone were made around the same time there is some kind of implied threat because the f16 is an effective weapon.

Hey! It works for inmates!

OMG... I... Just... what... did he say that.... ? I mean, I can't believe this admiral had to treat this guy with respect lol, I woulda bust out laughing

That F-16 was designed in the late 1990's, at least the avionics were. Those things have been updated so many times that the only similarity to the original ones is the look. Their flight control, weapons guidance, system integration are all way better then they used to be.

Yeah...about that. The menu is gone. I used my friends comp who loaded the developer version, and hitting the windows key, or the start button which is in that one, just brings you to a difference screen with a few active tiles that you can click on to launch applications.

Wait... OMG... DONT insert in anus! I knew there was a reason I kept ending up in the ER whenever I tried to put my knives away.

Yeah, that is clearly an indication that Apple didn't bribe the right people, or use enough money. As everything in China, it all comes down to patronige.

Well they have been at it for 20 years.

Yeah but single engine planes are required to have lower stall speeds so they are more survivable in a total engine loss situation.

Exactly. While it sucks that you can use a lawsuit as extortion, the alternative is to tell people when they can and can't sue which risks having some people prevented from addressing grievences. It is a shitty set up but we haven't come up with a better one yet.

I am telling you right now, I can walk up to you and say:

Using valid legal action as a threat, while extortion in every sense of the word, is never extortion. I can threaten to sue you if you don't pay me, that is not extortion because I always have the legal recourse to sue. This company has the legal right to file a grievence against the IP addresses in question. That is

These people downloaded the stuff from a third party and so circumvented the rights of the producers of the material? Why should they be allowed to remain anonymous? I am fine with internet freedom but if you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar you are going to get pinched.

Those carriers are designed to be floating islands, hard for the Russians to sink with anything short of a nuclear torpedo. I doubt the Iranians would have much luck.

Utermohlen's wife also drew attention to strange, black, half-open doorways which started to appear in the background of his works.

I would think so. Anytime time something you design is used succesfully I figure you would feal good about it.

Nah, Chuck Norris and MacGuyver could do it, 2 man team. MacGuyver could jerry rig a gulf cart and a few rubber bands, mixed with some teflon coated rollers and figure something out. Chuck would just look the Iranians to death.

That part I knew. I dind't think those got anywhere near as high end as what he was describing but I never really read the details on what was built for them.