A tortoise named Hubert

You gotta make jokes if you wana get laughs >>>>>>>)8===) You see right there, that is what the MOB looks like on a seismic cross section after hitting an Iranian facility. The boys at Boeing know how to make a joke

... NO... WAIT!... he doesn't know what he's doing ::shakes head::

You have to be realistic though. If you wanted to do this with a squad you would need Chuck Norris and we all know he is on delta force.

I think that was a reply to a different comment lol.

Why would you dissaprove of putting facilities under mountains? How else are you going to survive a close hit by a nuke?

We could just have them use the tungsten payload from the X37-B. I always figured that is what it is doing up there.

Awe man... 100% awesome

The arsenal of democracy hard at work

can you make the boom.... bigger?

These new facilities are constructed under mountains like NORAD. Those can't be taken out with non penetrating conventional bombs.

2 bombs, maybe. Seal team six would have an issue with getting in there. It is hard to be all suprise sneaky and deadly when you have to walk through a monitored, well lit tunnel with a big bunker blast door in your way.

Last time I checked we weren't going to be using these in Germany.

Those things work great. They go through dirt and rock, then dozens of feet of concrete reinfroced with steel, then blow up once inside the bunker.

Hypothetically, if you stacked 2 you might get double the penetration. Would be an interesting idea to test out

What about this thing, these are kind of somewhere in the middle [] Definitely food for thought.

Yeah, I have definitely heard arrows referred to as missiles, but in this case we are talking about modern munitions and so I think it gets a different definition.

You can have a ton of money and know someone who is distributing options to buy.

Becuase it doens't have an oboard propultion system (no fuel coming out the back, just using the momenutm from the intial bang). Also, no explosive warhead, although I guess you could have a miniwarhead on a bullet and still call it a bullet.

Same thing is happening with tuberculosis in Eastern Europe. People are going for treatment, they feel better half way through and stop going. When the virus comes back with a vengeance it isn't susceptible to the drugs we would normally use.

I'm a little confused. This article says that this is the "the worst nuclear contamination the Earth's oceans have ever seen" but I know that they have set off many hydrogen bombs at sea during the years before the test ban treaty.