A tortoise named Hubert

A tire doesn't give a sudden impact when it goes by at any speed. The weight that the road feels is the same when the car is standing still as it is when the car is moving at 60 mph.

A car's tire is always stationary to the road below it (except when skidding), so from the puddy's perspective I don't know that a car tire rolling and a car tire just standing there would be any different. In both cases all of the force would be down so I don't think there would be a difference to the puddy.


much of the energy from the sun is heat, solar PV cells don't take advantage of that which is why the biggest solar power plants in the world use 80 year old tech (mirrors pointing the sun light on a water tower to create steam).

they could have realized by the ridiculousness, not to mention the button lol, that it was fake once it started going.

Mars is a fine choice, plenty of sun light for heat exchagne in the atmosphere (wind) and PV cells. In an enclosed biodome there shouldn't be too much waste in terms of water and you use plants to recycle oxygen. I'm sure there is plenty of hydrogen so the only thing we would need, if it can't be found, is some O to

i... like that watch. not sure why


was gonna ask if i was the only one ...


also consider that the pilots had to eject before they could be certain of its landing point anway if htey were going to clear the wreckage.

If i remember correctly Hydrogen was abandoned for lighter then air travel due to the fire ristsk.

I think you have that wrong, helium isn't flamable ( i think) which is why it has replaced hydrogen (ala the hinddenburg).

you should have backed it up and wiped it. you can replace lost data, not childhood innocence lol

till you hit a bridge. google it lol

So... causation vs. causality?

Its pretty well established that China has been working very hard to steal technical secretes from US corporations and defense contractors. This doesn't seem that far fetched.

I like, will encourage recycling since most of those bottles would have made it to the dump otherwise.

exactly what I was thinking. Add a few zeros lol.
