A tortoise named Hubert

While schools are entities of the government, I don't think they are treated the same way, especially since you are using their resources (computer, network, etc.).

well, you are using their resource (logging into twitter at school at some point, even if it after the tweet in question) and this isn't a privacy thing since twitter is public, lastly this can't be a free speech thing since you only have free speech when it comes to the government, your boss can ban swearing and

probably the same reason that weaker magnets hum.

ha, its not a test, nothing is a test for rule 34. This is more of a field trip lol, a little outside the ordinary but in no way beyond the pale.

What I am saying is that even if coal gave you more bang for your buck, and you discounted the environmental issue, you also have to add the value of having a renewable energy source as you don't have to worry about coal shortages / oil shortages, etc in the event of war.

Consider that their nation is also more secure regarding its energy needs from a national security standpoint. They won't have to worry about a global conflict disrupting oil supplies since I'm sure a lot of their grid power will come from this facility.

Just deactivate your account and say you don't have an active one. They can't pull up your profile while it is deactivated and you wouldn't be lying.

Just deactivate your account and say you don't have an active one. They can't pull up your profile while it is deactivated and you wouldn't be lying.

THat is the first piece of art that I have ever wanted to own

Unless they have another camera catching the same thing from a slightly different angle then it is just a fly.

we have a relaly big one not that far away, which is way more dangerous. I think you'll be ok.


I know what you're saying, but this thing may be able to get them in two passes or something. They don't mention it having that many limitations in the article.

yeah the article says the plane is pretty much original, just well maintained and with some added parts.

I have seen plenty of large metal platse (which cover potholes) left for weeks while they wait for the second crew to come in. 1st crew digs the whole out to make it even and flat inside, then puts down the plate. Second crew comes by weeks later and fills it.

the majority of air travel cost is fuel. If it reduces fuel use by that much it should cut costs dramatically.

B-52's have been upgraded and retrofitted many times since the first ones rolled off the assembly lines. I'm thinking this one was built back when the B-52's started being built, unlike the current B52's which are either recently built or overhaulted.

And... this is pretty creepy.

mine got taken away a few months ago. Do you know if they ever come back?

its not illegal until someone makes a law banning it. The only pre-defined laws are those set forth in the constitution, and those govern what the government can do (for example, if the government asked for your crednetials), they do not apply to private companies or citizens, that is what the legislature and penal