Joel Zamel


There are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

Dude, the US went absolutely batshit when terrorists attacked us and we went to war with the whole region over what a bunch of fucking moron plane hijackers managed to pull off due mostly to CIA incompetence.

Murderers murdering other murderers isn’t anything to get all maudlin about.

Bill was an anchor around Hillary’s neck in many ways during the campaign, but especially with regard to his history with women. She wasn’t able to hit Trump as hard as she could have because they could just throw Bill’s bad behavior back in her face. For the record, it SUCKS that she’s always had to be responsible

Our current black & poor people internment system justice system would like a word.

Family Traditions will never die!

Lol, this is some hilarious shit. I think this is what they call “good kinja”. How do Drake’s nuts taste?

Because they are currently running an ad that says, “We came here for the friends.... and then something happened,” as if the “something” that happened WASN’T THEMSELVES.

Seriously hope you’re correct.

Отправляйся обратно в Реддит, ты немытый, бородатый, подвальное жилище, девственница.

You won’t get me this time Tomato Face

> Palestine encroaching on Israel’s territory
Fuck off

Trump has the second-highest ‘party approval rating’ (second to Dubya post-9/11) in modern Presidential history.

Remember, Facebook was free at some point, until Zuck decided to monetize it; and nobody would have ever heard of it unless it could expand, which required capital. Zuckerberg wasn’t born a multi-billionaire, so people like this guy assuming that Zuckerberg started Facebook out of the kindness of his heart with some

That’s not a conspiracy theory, that is literally how the industry works.

Just what we need, another white man to suck up to.

Well, maybe. I think Hogg is just an attention whore. He says he doesn’t want to take away guns, but he is calling for assault weapons bans and high capacity magazine bans. He is also calling for restrictions on getting guns if you’re mentally unstable and he wants to close the “gun-show loophole”. He’s basically a

It just feels like Hogg enjoys the cameras and the spotlight more than he’s distraught over the loss of friends. That’s what tweaks people.