Joel Zamel

Oh haha. Gotcha ;) Alright you know the score then. Schultz is our guy.

First let me say that the US Govt response to Puerto Rico’s terminal hurricane should have been better. Very sad about that it breaks my heart.

You’ll come around. Schulz is like Bernie but with loads of real world experience.

Merkel is trying to save Germany but she needs to do more. They are limiting the number of refugees they are taking in for no reason. They used to take in several million per year. Now they are only taking in under two million per year. This is exactly how Hitler gained power.

First of all, you are using misogyny normalizing terms. Not a good look. Second, if Hillary was president we wouldn’t have all these Trump wars in the Middle East and North Africa. We wouldn’t be talking about a racist wall. We would be discriminating against the transgendereds choice of bathroom. We wouldn’t be in a

I’m surprised that on a sports website there are very few who understand what this guy was going through.

Poops are biodegradable.

To a non-runner this story seems absurd. I get it. You have no idea what it’s like to run long distances. Exercising isn’t your thing. It’s boring/hard/whatever. You aren’t alone, and that’s why this story gained traction. Most people are lazy and don’t exercise. They don’t understand how rigorous exercise, especially

My comments are being scrubbed from this website by Anti-Israeli forces sympathetic to genocidal Palestine. This was my response to Sean Brody who is making baseless, untrue claims above. This is information everyone should read and understand.

Hold on a second Sean. Hold on. You don’t know what you’re talking about or what is actually happening here. Let’s not spread this kind of information ok? Let’s take a little break. Aren’t you tired of posting this sort of thing? Maybe you should take a nap. It’s getting a little late and it’s time to take a little

We should just be honest with one and other and admit that the real problem is our antiquated border laws. Undocumented immigrants improve both their lives and ours when they come here.

I personally disagree that Bill did anything wrong - it was a consensual and private matter - but do think that if Hillary divorced him and ran in 2020 she would win in a landslide. Probably won’t happen though so Schultz it is.

This is not semi-admirable. This is blatant politically-motivated pandering to the anti-incarceration community. You want a hero? that would be Chelsea Manning. Not Trump.

Yeah but Drake has more song in the top 160 than Kanye does. Kanye is basically nothing now that he endorsed Trump. And you will see him fall down the charts for sure.

Hi Libby, I’m just as confused by that article as everyone else.

Aaron Judge is already one of the most overrated hitters of all time.

Reusable bags are great and the best way to protect the environment.

Bill Clinton did more to help the black community than any other president in history save Lincoln.

Literally yes. Kanye is on his way out, Pusha T wants no part of it and so he calls out Drake for being light skinned which isn’t even true if you do some research on it. To me this is all good though. We don’t need Kanye anymore. He was good to us for a minute and now he’s just creating unnecessary friction in our

This looks pretty cool, but there’s something to be said for old school monitors that bring you back to a more pleasant time in gaming history. I’ve got an big Bravia tube that I use for some of my older systems.