Joel Zamel

I guess you didn’t read my comment. That’s fine, and my fault. Gen Z is notoriously ADHD and has zero attention span for anything with words where you have to read. So here is what I actually said, not what you think I said:

He’s literally a blue collar billionaire that grew up in a struggling household in BKLYN. He’s one of us.

You Berners need to wake up. Bernie lost, never had a chance, and won’t be winning in 2020. You need to face the real problems confronting the world instead of retreating into your marijuana smoke cloud of Bernie related fantasies. It’s not going to happen. Schultz is smart, tough, and knows how to win. Get on board

Berners won’t like this guy but everyone else will, including a ton of Trump supporters that have been turned off by his extreme nationalist rhetoric.

There is no such thing as the “Deep State.”

I don’t understand why everyone is so skeptical of Facebook. They are trying to bring people together in a safe environment so that we can be more connected. If that means they have to censor some things or set some parameters then that’s the price of admission. Actually, that’s what they should be doing. There’s no

Mr. Usually Nothing

It’s not a lot for Franmil Reyes. That said, Judge is already the most overrated player on the planet.

When he pulled out the pocket version of the Constitution that he always carries with him I absolutely lost it. We were watching the DNC Convention, a big group of us - family and friends, and having a really great time. At that point we thought Hillary had it in the bag so long as she took the primary which she did

They need to be transported to and released in sanctuary cities immediately. Why are we putting these children into internment camps when all they want is a brighter future? Why are we treating them as if they are terrorists? They just want a better life. Why do we insist on destroying the dream they’ve carried with

They graduated high school and are on their way to college. College students make up a huge portion of the voting population. To wit: If every college Berner would have showed up to vote for Hillary she would have won in an electoral landslide, not just a popular landslide. They are super important to our democracy.

So, did Trump just randomly start going after DNC donors and hit gold on the first shot or is there something more to this? Honestly can’t figure out why Harvey is only now facing consequences. His rapes and sexual abuse has been known and talked about for years.

No, they are grassroots activists. They aren’t paid. They aren’t encouraged to hit certain topics. They aren’t coached. They aren’t given scripts. They aren’t the conspiracy theory wet dream you probably think they are. They are normal kids that had to experience a traumatic situation and never want anyone else to

I agree with your sentiment but Mr. Hogg, Ms. Gonzalez, and the rest are most definitely not kids. These are full blown adult leaders and the new face of what it means to be an American. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude and that starts by not condescending to call them kids.

Fake legs and cocaine. This story has everything.

Everyone that supports the community is allowed at the Pride Parade including Black Lives Matters. We can walk and chew gum, but maybe let’s stay on topic this time :) This is our space.

How much trauma must this poor child go through?

Human trafficking gets a pretty bad wrap. Trump doesn’t want you to actually think about the issue. Human traffickers bring South American refugees to America. Human traffickers bring North African and Middle Eastern refugees to Europe.

Think again.

I’ve got a feeling that Sessions sees what Trump is doing to our democracy and even though he’s GOP through and through he’s also a lifelong politician that understands the damage being done and is rebelling from the inside. Not to mention the DOJ has thousands of non-Trump people in it already. I think he’s