yeah the Despecialized editions color correction is something that needs to be seen by anyone who calls themselves a fan of star wars. It really makes the movie look 100x better.
yeah the Despecialized editions color correction is something that needs to be seen by anyone who calls themselves a fan of star wars. It really makes the movie look 100x better.
I downloaded these a while ago, but just got around to putting them on a Blu-Ray and watching them this weekend. As an online editor, I have an immense amount of respect for the work and care that was put in to these. They really are something special.
Since 1997, George Lucas has been hell bent on ruining the original Star Wars trilogy. Every new release—in…
It doesn’t matter whether he’s just putting on a show.
If they actually build a replica of St. Basil’s Cathedral on the moon, I will happily eat a bowl of Borscht in their honor.
How to start your day like Mocena:
I’m fairly certain Luke was drunk at the wheel. I don’t know how I’d rank the full list, but my top three is easily:
Trick statement all the new ones are terrible.
You mean you’re not upset enough by a show not giving you immediate closure and/or gratification to unleash a poorly constructed rant on the internet to let it know that you’re ‘done with Game of Thrones DONE I TELLS YA!’?
People can blame the show all they like but the truth is that this season they blew through two of the books. Feast for Crows and (to a lesser degree) Dance of Dragons are creative disasters. FFC is so bad that DOD’s had to spend most of it’s time repairing the damage.
If you’re looking for a redemptive, fairy-tale, Steven Spielberg ending for all of this, you’re watching/reading the wrong series.
They had Thor as a frog - A FROG in one series. Pffffffffffffffffffffffft
As someone else noted above, don’t forget:
“You’ve got to lock me away! I’M A SLASHER! ... ... ...Of high PRICES!”
I watch it maybe twice every year, it’s in my top 10 favorite films ever.
I just want to know if here utility belt if filled with nuts to feed her squirrel friends. Also known as her “nut sacks”.
Did anyone else notice that the teeth on the twelfth one down are really JarJar Binks heads?