Joel Waddingham

Bear in mind that we’re talking about developing brains here: children’s brains are still growing, changing and rewiring themselves. Further to this, “trauma” can count as something seemingly trivial as emotional neglect. Children have had less time to acquire resilience to such things. Don’t take my word for it,

the cause of the disease is unknown

Always love The Young Ones

I have a head cold. I do not deal with them well.

My feelings are now less mixed.

And now begins the long wait for this to come to the UK, punctuated once a week by the struggle to not click on the latest recap.


This may be elsewhere in the thread, but I can't be arsed to scan through: Amazon has picked up the UK rights! So glad I don't have to wait months to join the conversation about this show.


Something else to dodge all references to until/if it appears in the UK. *sigh*

If they nail The Drawing of the Three, I am in. I’m all in.


Look, this is not really about the subject above, but I was trying to find out who coined the phrase “Crazy Steve vs. Super Jesus”, and I found this:…

Respect due for this. This is the first time I’ll ever be sharing a link as much for the comments section as for the actual information in the article (as I tend not to want my friends to wade through idiotic comments just to get a cheap laugh, but I would like them to read what amounts to a how-to guide on winning an

the Mayans planned the location of their cities centrally

Even guys driving fast cars can be superheroes

Just back from the cinema. Hang in there. The payoff is... considerable

That would be a pretty good result on all sides actually.

Iceland is Bazonkers. Enjoy.

Fair point. I guess what worries me is the prospect of sitting through more shit movies while the studios get their act together.