Joel Schlosberg

I'm picturing it being literally handed to him for bad screenwriting, like in this blog post.

Co-signed. It's beyond me how Kurtzman (and Orci, and Lindelof) aren't the writer's guild equivalent of disbarred. Unless they're planning to make a screenwriting course using their Star Trek, Transformers, and Amazing Spider-Man movies as examples of how not to screenwrite.

Or pre-emptively jump to the next generation with Frankenstein's Daughter.

Or do a series where the monsters meet the current actor equivalents of Abbott and Costello. Or the killer, Boris Karloff.

The Star Trek episode Assignment Earth.
"Captain, we could say that Mister Seven and Miss Lincoln have some interesting experiences in store for them."
"Yes, I think we could say that. Two to beam up, Scotty."

That particular cameo got the crowd (of 10) cheering in the theater I was in.

The Atlas Shrugged trilogy kind of qualifies.

Is Cruise less expensive now than he used to be, or is Universal just more desperate?

The thing is, that the second Bond movie actually has a fair amount of follow-up to the first: SPECTRE explicitly singles out Bond for their scheme in revenge for him killing the villain of the first movie (the books are not in order, and Bond just happens to be the chosen target of the Rooskies' attempt to take MI5

And how Doug's 1st Movie was Doug's first and last movie.

And by "Where were you in '62?" being the tagline. And the whole sense of being on the very tail end of a cultural and well as personal moment.

Kathleen Turner's.

Bunny Ho.

Nope. Brad Bird.