Joel Schlosberg

Similarly, kid me liked the idea of a kid treated as an equal by the adults, and didn't quite notice that Wesley Crusher actually wasn't.

By a factor of… one… million?

When Steven Spielberg is "tired of aliens"…

There was a comment once either here or on The Dissolve pointing out that it can be seen as a critique of the generation gap: the WWII generation is shown making a mess of the situation by doing exactly the sorts of carelessly irresponsible things they lambasted their boomer children for doing.

If you'd told, I'd have been happy to recommend you watch Astro Boy.

I hate masterpieces.

"There wasn't any real criticism of the portrayal of India in America at the time that I can remember or find with a quick scan of contemporary reviews"

There's a canceled video game that was going to pit post-WWII Indy against South American escaped Nazis who were planning to resurrect Hitler! I am not making this up.

Found it! I love this line: "Also, it is very rare for us to have film series articles until there are three films in a series."

I want a Meg Ryan Cinematic Universe! Just imagine all this cool stuff together:
* haunted houses (Amityville 3-D)
* fighter planes (Top Gun)
* miniaturization tech (Innerspace)
* neo-noir (D.O.A.)
* Albert Einstein (I.Q.)
* a zombie sorcerer's army of creepy crawlies (Anastasia)
* chain bookstores unthreatened by the

Not Sylvester Stallone?

Or of The Halfback of Notre Dame.

Was there an "articles for deletion" debate on whether or not it was notable enough to keep?

The funky chicken.

He does not actually live with the Looney Tunes.

The stiff upper lip-keepers don't even laugh at the funny parts?