Joel Schlosberg

This Commentary Tracks of the Damned entry is ridiculously magical.

If Troma had a pizza place, what toppings would you order?

Didn't The Trial used to be fairly common on cheap public domain tapes? Its copyright may or may not have been restored later, and an uncertain status may have been what's made it less seen. It was never as ubiquitous as "It's a Wonderful Life" or "The Third Man" used to be in that regard, but I recall it turning up.

I have wanted to revisit Beauty and the Beast (and the Renaissance features in general, not that I've touched my Aladdin Blu-ray), but it's one of the priciest of the vaulted Disney movies on DVD/Blu-ray. What format did you watch it on? (I suspect VHS!)

That was The Fast and the Furious 1.

Waterworld didn't need the internet to be publicized.

They should have brought Kathryn Bigelow back.

At which point you run out of The Far Side.

But they have Eight Crazy Nights in December before Netflix gets it in January!

When Skrat gets his acorn.

You assumed correctly. Best theme song ever!

And the same year as Jurassic Park.

"What is it with Sandler movies?"

Or "A cobbler should stick to his last."

There were some truly talented concept designers, like Doug Chiang. The problem was, they were designing the visuals for movies written by George Lucas.

Worse is when there's a fight between two characters that must both survive.

And Escape and Conquest.

You hadn't seen Army of Darkness yet?

… decades before A New Hope.