Mercedes Grosser? Opulent luxury, intimidating looks. Kinda beats the S-Class on those.
Mercedes Grosser? Opulent luxury, intimidating looks. Kinda beats the S-Class on those.
that motor has, what, 35 hp? I’d put it back together (with a new bearing) and practice nice driving techniques.... seriously. Either that or use it as an excuse to transverse-mount a Honda motor and transmission in it....
Today's military has more skills than any other past or present. That's why military personnel are so sought after once they get out. I'm 23 and probably have the logistics and leadership skills of someone nearing their 40s in a similar profession.
Because they take orders. And their commander in chief is, by sheer virtue of being in the office he holds, the slyest, most conniving, special interest ass-kissing, civilian out there.
I would love it if every company, every nonprofit, every government agency I interact with had a workforce with the work ethic, sense of mission and dare I say it, manners of our American military rank and file.
Tell me about it. I’m baffled.
95% of people feel they are getting ripped of because they are not automotive technicians and don't have a clue about mechanics, the cost of parts, and labor rates
Let’s be honest: he Chevy Malibu hasn’t been particularly interesting since that glowing one with the alien in it…
Jeff Gordon jumpsuit.
...This conversation took a turn. A weird scary turn.
I use, I'm an Importer/exporter at Vandelay industries.
It doesn't. A lot of douches buy them.
Reading through the comments, it seems like I'm one of few that like the way it looks. Keep it up BMW, it's awesome.
Huh? I mean, if you're concerned about the skinniness of the tyre, that means being concerned about the amount of force negative to the direction of motion that they can take before they lose grip and start slipping (or rather before the ABS system has to step in and decrease the amount of braking force). Whether the…
Yeah, fuck those people buying and driving electric cars. Those are the people ruining the planet, for sure.
Yea, how dare BMW try a new design for its revolutionary car?!
If his tire pressure was correct, that would be possible, but with off like that, there's no chance of saving it
Grow a sense of humor and stop getting offended on others' behalf.